Army Strong Videos

Public Affairs Broadcast Specialist Sergeant King

SGT William Morton

See how William's Army Reserve training will help prepare him for a civilian career in electronics.

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SGT William Morton

See how William's Army Reserve training will help prepare him for a civilian career in electronics.

My name is Sergeant William Morton. I'm a radar repairer, 94 mike, in the United States' Army Reserve.
My job is to maintain the radars on this vessel. I joined the Army Reserve fresh out of high school and it was exactly what I needed. The Army Reserve was what introduced me to the field of electronics.
They gave me a good foundation of electronics theory and application. I get exposure to equipment and technology that you really can't get your hands on in the civilian world.
It sparked my interest so much that I'm now pursuing that in my civilian career.
Joining the Army Reserve, I'm gaining a whole lot more than I expected. The Army Reserve really did give me a skill that I am going to use for the rest of my life.
It's challenging. It's cutting edge. And It's a great time.
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