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FY 2004 Budget Request to Congress

Office of Budget Phone Book


The following documents reflect the Department of Energy's FY 2004 Budget Request to Congress.

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Summary Budget Documents

Budget Highlights — The highlights is a textual summarization of the Department's budget request.

Annual Performance Plan —The plan reflects the Department's proposed performance goals for FY 2004 as well as the revised goals for FY 2003.

Summary Table — This is a short tabular summarization of the request by appropriation account.

Control Table — This is a somewhat longer tabular summarization of the request at the level we call decision units. It is available in appropriation account or first tier organization order.

Statistical Table — This table shows the budget request at the level at which Congress controls our spending. In most areas, it is more detailed than the Control table.

Laboratory Table — The lab table is a tabular summarization by decision unit broken out by the various laboratories at which DOE does work.

State Table — The state table is similar to the lab table, except it is broken out by each state in which DOE does work, rather than by laboratory.

Detailed Budget Justifications

Due to the large overall size of these files, they are broken into somewhat more bite size pieces. Select the piece you are interested in from the list below.

Note: Where large appropriation accounts are broken into subsections below (Energy Supply, Science, Weapons Activities, etc.), there are links within the PDF files connecting the sections together. Under some combinations of browser and acrobat reader versions, we have found that these links do not work. If you receive a 404 File Not Found error message, try hitting the back button on the browser and trying again. It seems to usually work the second time. You can also use the back button to return to this page and then jump straight to the other sections from here.

Energy and Water Development Appropriations
Civilian Radioactive Waste Management
Interior and Related Agencies Appropriations

Selections from the FY 2004 Budget of the United States Government

The items below represent most of the pieces of the U.S. Government budget that contain material related to the Department of Energy. You can find the entire U.S. Government budget at the Government Printing Office.

Supporting Materials
Public budget database (spreadsheet files)
Budget Authority (Lotus / Excel)
Outlays (Lotus / Excel)
Receipts (Lotus / Excel)

Font Information

If you have problems displaying some fonts in these files, especially bullet characters, you can download fonts from Corel Corporation, the publisher of WordPerfect, that correct the problem. The problem is caused by faulty fonts supplied with earlier versions of WordPerfect, which did not specify whether or not the fonts could be embedded into PDF files. Acrobat versions 4 and later cannot embed these fonts into PDF files, and so the fonts appear incorrectly unless you already have the fonts installed locally.

A note to anyone creating PDF files: You can check to see how your PDF files look to someone who does not have all your fonts installed by going to the view menu in Acrobat and making sure "Use Local Fonts" is not selected. You should make sure this is not set whenever you are creating PDF files for distribution. If you see this problem in your PDF files and you are using WordPerfect, you can fix it by uninstalling all fonts starting with "WP" from your system, then installing the fonts from the link above.