Army Strong Videos

Public Affairs Broadcast Specialist Sergeant King

SGT Jeremiah Minor

The Army Reserve has given Jeremiah the focus to concentrate as a full-time student but still have time to DJ.

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SGT Jeremiah Minor

The Army Reserve has given Jeremiah the focus to concentrate as a full-time student but still have time to DJ.

SGT Jeremiah Minor: I'm Sergeant Jeremiah Minor. I'm a 96 Bravo, which is an Intel Analyst. After high school I just sort of wandered around for a couple of years. I didn't have any sense of purpose or direction, so I decided to enlist in the Army.
After serving about 4 years in the active Army, I went to the Army Reserve, which gave me a chance to attend college full time. In the long run, I see myself working in one of the federal buildings utilizing my Criminal Justice degree.
Being on active duty allowed me to travel to some amazing places, one of those places being Europe. I got to see Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Italy...
I like being in the Army Reserve. It allows me to go to college and attend classes so I can work for a degree in Criminal Justice. Being a 96 Bravo in the Army Reserve kind of gives me a leg up in the college environment.
I've learned a lot of things in the Army Reserve which helps me out a lot. I'm more disciplined, more focused. My goals are pretty cut and clear. I'm 29 years old, and I have to say...I'm living a dream.
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