Public Affairs Broadcast Specialist Sergeant King

Shawn Helmstadter

Hear how the Army Reserve gave Shawn the opportunities he needed to succeed.

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Shawn Helmstadter

Hear how the Army Reserve gave Shawn the opportunities he needed to succeed.

SGT Shawn Helmstadter: I'm Sergeant Shawn Helmstadter, 63 Bravo (63B), Light-Wheel Vehicle Mechanic.
Because of the Army Reserve, they sent me to school, they give me credibility and on-the-job experience. In the Army Reserve, I'm getting a chance to work on equipment that, in the civilian world, you wouldn't be able to touch.
I always wanted to be a mechanic in my life. I've been working on vehicles with my dad ever since age eleven, and now, that's exactly what I get to do.
With the Army Reserve, you get to have that Army adventure, and when I'm done I get to go back to work on my civilian job.
Gotta go.
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