The Alexis de Tocqueville Tour
Exploring Democracy in America
May 9, 1997 - February 20, 1998

Traveling Tocqueville's America
Buy the Book and Video
A Conversation on Democracy
Watch the two-hour special in RealVideo

I confess that in America I saw more than America; I sought the image of democracy itself, with its inclinations, its character, its prejudices, and its passions, in order to learn what we have to fear or hope from its progress.

~ Alexis de Tocqueville

All About Alexis de Tocqueville
Biographical information on Alexis de Tocqueville
Tocqueville Today
Modern references to Tocqueville and his writings
American Journey
Information on Tocqueville's visit to America
Democracy in America
Famous passages from Democracy in America
Tocqueville in France
Pictures of Tocqueville's hometown
Other sources of information on Tocqueville and France
C-SPAN Tour Dates
When and where to see the C-SPAN School Bus as it follows Tocqueville's journey
Journal Entries From Tocqueville's Trip
Writings by Tocqueville and Beaumont from each stop along their journey
Democracy in America Teaching Modules
Lesson plans for educators interested in incorporating Tocqueville's writings into their lesson plans. Don't forget to enroll in the FREE C-SPAN in the Classroom program.

Read the Book - Democracy in America

Alexis de Tocqueville affinity products

For the next nine months, the C-SPAN School Bus will embark upon an extensive road trip exploring Democracy in America. C-SPAN will retrace the steps of Alexis de Tocqueville, author of Democracy in America, who traveled throughout the U.S. in 1831 with his friend, Gustave de Beaumont. Starting in Newport, RI, the bus will wind its way along the eastern half of the U.S. in search of what democracy means today. We'll stop in communities Tocqueville visited and discuss the same issues he raised -- issues such as religion and politics, the impact and power of the press and the changing role of government.

We're still putting this trip together, so let us know what you think. What have you heard or read about Tocqueville lately? What are some examples of democracy in action in your town? You can reach us directly via e-mail. And check this site again soon for more updates about "The Alexis de Tocqueville Tour."

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