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Thread: Transfer from NG to IRR assistance?

  1. #1

    Question Transfer from NG to IRR assistance?

    After a bit of research it seems the most common answer to whether or not it is possible to transfer from the Guard to the IRR is that it comes down to the approval of a 4187. I feel that I meet the criteria for hardships in relation to working with the guard. I know about the ING but would prefer to go into the IRR again. However, if the ING is my only option then I wouldn't mind it.

    Can anyone point me in the right direction as to how I need to fill out a 4187 requesting transfer into the IRR as well as how I go about submitting such paperwork (Do I take it to the career counselor or my chain of command for approval first)?

    Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

    Some background information:

    I already completed a 3 1/2 year Active Duty contract and received an Honorable Discharge. I signed up for the Guard after being told that I was going to be recalled for deployment. I now feel that I would rather just be part of the IRR regardless of whether I will be called back or not.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Default Re: Transfer from NG to IRR assistance?

    There's usually a packet that needs to be completed. Start with your chain of command about your wanting to go back to the IRR. You may want to talk to the R/R NCO for any ramifications about your decision (ie a RE code that may stop you from comming back in the future).

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    Default Re: Transfer from NG to IRR assistance?

    Get with your Unit Career Counselor to make sure you understand the differences between IRR and ING. The Career Counselor can also help you with getting the 4187 and supporting documents listed and started so that when they are complete and presented to your Chain-of-Command you will have all of your bases covered.

    One benefit of the ING is this, you get the time to balance your issues - this means that your contract is still in force, so you will one day have to return to the ARNG to finish your term. You can still be recalled for deployemtn as you will remain a memebr of your currently assigned unit. You also have the ability to drop in and out of the ING to attend MOS supporting schools or professional development schools like WLC, ALC, etc. In the IRR you are just out there hanging in the wind until your ETS comes up.

    Of course keep in mind your Commander will have to balance the unit mission and requirements against having a slot filled by an invisible soldier - but if you simply need time to get a few things in order, so that you can return and be a more focused soldier and member of that unit you could have a good chance of approval.

    Also keep in mind that as the wars are drawing down, recall of IRR is dissapearing - even though IRR volunteer opportunities still exist. You also need to balance what, if any, enlistment bonuses or incentives that you may have recieved to get into the ARNG, as they would be affected depending on the route you go.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2012

    Default Re: Transfer from NG to IRR assistance?

    Quote Originally Posted by myka316 View Post

    I already completed a 3 1/2 year Active Duty contract and received an Honorable Discharge. I signed up for the Guard after being told that I was going to be recalled for deployment. I now feel that I would rather just be part of the IRR regardless of whether I will be called back or not.
    There are actually a couple of regulations that can help you in determining if your hardships are eligible for a transfer to ING or the IRR. I agree with the previous posts that the ING may be the best option for you in that it allows you to take care of your issues and re-enter Active Status must easier than IRR. The regulation for that would be NGR 614_1. If you would like to PM me the specifics of your hardships, I may be able to give you a little more detail on where to look in the regulation.

    For IRR, I would refer you to chapter 5 of AR 135-91.

    In general, you can expect your approval for either option to be based on your circumstance and the needs of your unit.

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