Navy Announces Service Dress Khaki Cancellation, Service Dress Blue Lightweight Fabric Options

Story Number: NNS121022-15Release Date: 10/22/2012 2:45:00 PM
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From Chief of Naval Personnel Public Affairs

WASHINGTON (NNS) -- NAVADMIN 314/12, released Oct. 19, announced the Chief of Naval Operations' (CNO) decision to terminate the Service Dress Khaki (SDK) initiative.

The NAVADMIN also reemphasized the optional wear of the Service Dress Blue (SDB) uniform as an acceptable alternative during summer uniform wear periods when participating in events, ceremonies and meetings where wearing a coat and tie is appropriate and when other uniforms are not prescribed.

"The Navy continuously monitors Sailors' uniform concerns and develops uniforms and design changes based on feedback received and research conducted," said Rear Adm. Tony Kurta, director, Military Personnel Plans and Policy. "After May 2012 when the contemporary design for SDK was approved for optional wear, the Navy continued to conduct research with product vendors and with the information gained and reviewed, the decision was made to cancel Service Dress Khaki."

The Navy made the decision to terminate pursuing the SDK uniform as an optional uniform due to factors identified during a comprehensive uniform assessment. These factors included the evaluation of quantities of SDK sets ordered/sold, wear test of several models evaluating quality, durability, appearance and fit, and estimated cost per uniform set to the individual.

The NAVADMIN 314/12 also reaffirmed E-7 to O-10 personnel may wear the SDB as a suitable alternative for wear in lieu of summer white and service dress white uniforms when a coat and tie is appropriate.

SDB uniforms may be prescribed for wear year-round to all official functions (when formal dress, dinner dress, or full dress uniforms are not prescribed) and civilian equivalent dress is coat and tie. This uniform is available for purchase in a quality light weight fabric.

For more information about uniforms and uniform policy, visit the Navy Uniform Matters website at

For more news from Chief of Naval Personnel, visit

10/24/2012 3:42:00 PM
SDK evoked a Navy of honored memory, anchored in WWII iconic imagery. We lose another hallmark of a distinctive and distinguished Service. Who wants to wear SDB in hot weather? I'd rather "suffer in starch" and try to avoid shaving nicks.

10/24/2012 3:16:00 AM
Figures. The only good uniform to come out in the last few cycles of change, and it gets cancelled. Just like wash khakis - which was the best uniform we had in the bag.

10/23/2012 9:37:00 PM
I loved the SDK uniform, looked great! I still have my SDK, hate to part with it!

10/23/2012 9:49:00 AM
Dodged that bullet! what a horrible looking creation! The Navy continues to suffer because it is the only service with different uniforms for officers and enlisted. Time to end that practice from a long ago and no longer applicable era.

10/23/2012 8:00:00 AM
Wow! How many uniform changes since 1975? The army and marines seem to stick to what works longer.

10/22/2012 10:17:00 PM
I like Cracker Jack it would look good and it is comfy But it's too loose maybe we need to look professional And like someone we can give our confidence This is a khaki look and because its delicate and the color is hard to keep clean then in this understanding a new fashion Will come together. A us navy uniform takes simple character In beginning With the name of the ship I think that every ship is different And original and so are we.

10/22/2012 8:28:00 PM
I love how they are pushing SDBs for summer wear now instead and wonder how making an extra expense optional failed to encourage wear. One thing USAF does right is consolidate a service uniform to be versatile. I think you could take and design SDK to replace poly-wool khakis, SDWs, and Summer Whites (at a minimum). I don't see why it couldn't also replace SDBs, but I'm sure there would be some real sticks in the mud about that.

10/22/2012 5:32:00 PM
Over 30 years of Naval service, I came to one conclusion: "The only thing which is uniform about the Navy's uniform policy is its lack of uniformity." This is also known as schizophrenia. The service dress khaki was a great uniform for decades, only to go away, come back and now go away again. Whoever thought of the current "camo" working uniform has a serious brain cell shortage. Finally, we know have the "cinnamon and peppers" after the abortive "salt and peppers" of the late 70's.

10/22/2012 5:28:00 PM
What a shame! SDK was/is a Beautifull uniform....It was NOT a required uniform, but Optional....with NO cost to anyone....Please explain WHY?
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