Quote Originally Posted by ashsocrgrl View Post
hi I just recently swore into the guard this past Friday and got my mos and ship date set. I was just wondering though is there any way to get your mos or ship date changed? I was just wondering because I was kind of rushed into the whole process so I didnt really get to look to much into or think about anything or what I really wanted. I also didnt really get told any of my other options or any of the differences between active or reserves or guard or anything
Let me get this straight. You signed a contract binding you to serve for the next eight years or so, took an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States, and throughout the entire enlistment process including the pivotal moments of signing your contract and swearing in, you were "not sure" about your MOS and/or service component choices?

Your lack of seriousness and personal responsibility leave me at a loss for words. It is probably too late to do anything about this, but call your recruiter immediately. In the meantime, grow up and try to wrap your mind around the magnitude of the commitment you have made to the military and to your country.