Archive: Mar 2007

Showing 1-101 of 380 items
  • President Bush Visits Walter Reed

    Mar 30, 2007

    President George W. Bush speaks to Soldiers and staff at Walter Reed Army Medical Center.

  • Army Field Band and Soldiers' Chorus Clean-Up New Orleans

    Mar 30, 2007

    The New Orleans City Park, formerly a jewel in the crown of our nation's urban parks, faces an uphill struggle in its recovery from the effects of Hurricane Katrina. Yet recent successes have transpired through the efforts of volunteers from across the nation. On March 28, members of The United States Army Field Band and Soldiers' Chorus took time out of a 35-day tour of the southeast to assist in clean-up work.

  • Shoulder-to-Shoulder Teamwork

    Mar 30, 2007

    Soldiers from Company A, 1st Battalion, 23rd Infantry Regiment, 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Infantry Division, participate in a cordon and search operation with Iraqi Soldiers and police in Ghazaliya, March 21 to 31.

  • Wounded Soldier and Family Hotline

    Mar 30, 2007

    Wounded Soldier and Family Hotline is operational.

  • From Dusk Till Dawn

    Mar 30, 2007

    Soldiers conduct a night raid, but find few local nationals willing to help them out from fear of insurgent punishment. Produced by Spc. Samantha Szesciorka.

  • Military Hospital Care Expands Under 2005 Base Realignment and Closure

    Mar 30, 2007

    The top U.S. Army civilian wants to promote public awareness of the increased hospital and outpatient care that will be made available to all service members and veterans under the 2005 Base Realignment and Closure, law which includes a state-of-the-art, joint National Medical Center in Bethesda, Md., a newly constructed community hospital at Fort Belvoir and closure of the hospital at Walter Reed Army Medical Center.

  • Prime Power Lights Up Anaconda

    Mar 30, 2007

    Soldiers with the 249th Engineer Battalion from Fort Bragg, N.C., handle a very dangerous job repairing the electrical configuration at Logistical Support Area, Anaconda, Iraq.

  • New Study to Determine Effects of Deployment on Children

    Mar 30, 2007

    Deployments are hard aEUR" for Soldiers, spouses and children, alike. But there is little data to show exactly how children are affected.

  • President Bush quote

    Mar 30, 2007

    President Bush, March 29, at the U.S. Capitol, honoring the great achievements of the flying Soldiers of World War II, who persevered despite racial discrimination.

  • President, Congress Honor Tuskegee Airmen

    Mar 30, 2007

    Before a U.S. aircraft broke the sound barrier, the Tuskegee Airmen overcame a daunting social hurdle: breaking the Army Air Corps' color barrier.

  • Iraq Rebuilding Successes Don't Get Enough 'Ink,' General Says

    Mar 30, 2007

    Stories of violence are overshadowing the many successes achieved by U.S., coalition and Iraqi rebuilding efforts in Baghdad and other areas of the country.

  • Protecting Her Comrades

    Mar 30, 2007

    Sgt. Ashley Hort keeps her weapon at the ready as she provides security for her fellow Soldiers during a raid in Al Haswah, Iraq, March 21. Hort is from the 127th Military Police Company.

  • Night Recon

    Mar 30, 2007

    Spc. Dean Goble peers through his rifle scope for signs of suspicious activity at an observation point in Diyarah, Iraq, March 19, during a reconnaissance mission. The mission is to prevent the placing of IEDs on Main Supply Route Tampa. Goble is a forward observer with Company C, 3rd Battalion, 509th Infantry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 25th Infantry Division.

  • Fort Lewis Soldiers Offer Feedback on New Vehicles

    Mar 30, 2007

    No matter how useful it is to hear about the capabilities of new equipment from manufacturers, defense contractors know most honest appraisals come from Soldiers.

  • Army position: M4 Carbine is Soldier's battlefield weapon of choice

    Mar 29, 2007

    The M4 Carbine is the Army's primary individual combat rifle for Infantry, Ranger, and Special Operations forces. Since its introduction in 1991, the M4 carbine has proven its worth on the battlefield because it is accurate, easy to shoot and maintain. The M4's collapsible stock and shortened barrel make it ideal for Soldiers operating in vehicles or within the confines associated with urban terrain. The M4 has been improved numerous times and employs the most current technology available on any rifle/carbine in general use today.

  • FCS to be Featured on Discovery Channel

    Mar 29, 2007

    The Army's Future Combat Systems program is among the advanced military technologies featured on the second-season premier of the Discovery Channel's "FutureWeapons" series.

  • Wounded Warriors' Wives Get Help

    Mar 29, 2007

    Understanding the critical role spouses play in the recovery of wounded warriors, Operation Homefront has created the Wounded Warrior Wives Project to help them navigate the challenges they may face.

  • COE Levee System / First Female Avenger

    Mar 29, 2007

    Corps of Engineers files new report on New Orleans levee system; Two Florida NG Soldiers making history as first female Avenger crewmembers.

  • Iraqi National Police

    Mar 29, 2007

    Package of Paratroopers mentoring Iraqi National Police to prepare them to assume full responsibility for their own operations.

  • On the Beat in Mosul

    Mar 29, 2007

    Iraqi Police and Soldiers from 2nd Battalion, 7th Cavalry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry Division patrol Mosul neighborhoods in March.

  • Officer's Leadership Inspired Others

    Mar 29, 2007

    Captain Robert A. Bager, 25, a scout platoon leader with 1/1 Cavalry Regiment, 1st Armored Division, died Sept. 21, 2005 at a Texas military hospital where he had been transferred following an accident. More than three months earlier he had been electrocuted at the Kornwestheim Rail Yard near Stuttgart, Germany, while preparing for a training exercise before his unit deployed.

  • Geren Meets with Walter Reed staff

    Mar 29, 2007

    Motivated by its commitment to those who fight for freedom, the Army is acting quickly to fix problems with the medical system that have come to light since reports surfaced in February of poor conditions at Walter Reed Army Medical Center here, the Army's top civilian leader said March 12.

  • Soldiers support JTF North Homeland Security Mission

    Mar 29, 2007

    Soldiers from the 1st Squadron, 6th Air Cavalry Regiment, 1st Combat Aviation Brigade, 1st Infantry Division provided operational support to the U.S. Border Patrol - El Paso Sector as part of their pre-deployment training conducted here. The 1-6 Cav, based at Fort Carson, Colo., along with support elements from its higher headquarters at Fort Riley, Kan., deployed to the U.S. and Mexico border as part of a Joint Task Force North homeland security support mission.

  • Visit to Ramstein Elementary School Moving Experience for Wounded Soldiers

    Mar 29, 2007

    A classroom full of second-graders at Ramstein Elementary School sang a patriotic song for a handful of wounded soldiers, who not that long ago were serving downrange.

  • DLI Beefs Up Language Skills

    Mar 29, 2007

    In the aftermath of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, the Department of Defense took a more serious look at the linguistic and cultural preparedness of America's military. More precisely, DOD looked closely at capabilities of the Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center in Monterey, Calif., the government's premier provider of foreign-language training.

  • Female Aviators 'Pilot' Themselves Into Strong Career Field

    Mar 29, 2007

    "Aviation is full of Type A personalities," said Army 1st Lt. Elizabeth Eaton, a helicopter pilot for 82nd Combat Aviation Brigade. "I used to not be a Type A. But I'm one now."

  • Disaster Responders to Include Fort Jackson Museum Volunteer

    Mar 29, 2007

    When a natural disaster strikes, whether a hurricane, fire or earthquake, it can take lives and demolish people's homes, their communities and their livelihoods. It can also wipe out history aEUR" destroying such items as famous architecture, works of art and historical documents.

  • USJFCOM Signs Cooperative Research and Development Agreement with L-3 Communications

    Mar 29, 2007

    U.S. Joint Forces Command signed a cooperative research and development agreement with L-3 Communications - Interstate Electronics Corporation today to improve personal navigation capabilities for the warfighter.

  • Carson Breaks Blood Drive Records

    Mar 29, 2007

    Fort Carson now holds the Department of Defense's record for the most blood collected in a single-day drive for collecting 868 units on March 23.

  • Program Sends Soccer Balls to Iraqi Children

    Mar 29, 2007

    A program that will provide hundreds of soccer balls to Iraqi children began with a mother who wanted to send them candy.

  • Aerial Common Sensor Gets Green Light from Army Leadership

    Mar 29, 2007

    The Army's next-generation airborne intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance platform has a new runway to get off the ground.

  • Progress Continues in Afghanistan's Panjshir Province

    Mar 29, 2007

    Panjshir Province, Afghanistan, is a model of success because of the strength shown by the people living within the valley. Panjsheeris are providing the muscle behind security, cultivating a fertile environment for construction projects and humanitarian-aid assistance.

  • The Titans are Coming

    Mar 29, 2007

    A Chinook helicopter drops off supplies at Camp Keating, Afghanistan, March 6 and will then airlift Task Force Titan Soldiers northward to help the Afghan military beef up security in Nuristan Province.

  • Learning From the Best

    Mar 29, 2007

    Pfc. Brandon Waugh, from Company C, 1st Battalion, 26th Infantry Regiment, teaches Iraqi Soldiers tactics at Forward Operating Base Apache.

  • Col. Michael Garrett quote

    Mar 29, 2007

    Col. Michael Garrett, commander, 4th Brigade Combat Team (Airborne), 25th Infantry Division, March 24 at a graduation ceremony in Forward Operating Base Kalsu for Iraqi police from Babil and Karbala provinces.

  • Stryker Brigade Arrives For RSOI Support

    Mar 28, 2007

    2nd Platoon, A Company, 1-27th Infantry Regiment from Schofield Barracks, Hawaii arrived at Daegu Air Base March 18 to participate in the Reception, Staging, Onward Movement and Integration exercise held annually by United States Forces Korea.


    Mar 28, 2007

    In April 1847, General Winfield Scott and the American Army moved inland from Vera Cruz to launch their decisive campaign to seize the enemy capital and win the Mexican War.

  • Chaplains, Medical Personnel Help Soldiers Handle Homefront Problems in War Zone

    Mar 28, 2007

    Just as there are ways to combat enemy forces, there are ways to combat the emotional upheaval troops endure when handling homefront problems in a war zone.

  • New Pin Shows Bond Between Army, Retired Soldiers

    Mar 28, 2007

    The Army has created a new pin to emphasize the continuing bond between the Army and its almost 800 thousand retired Soldiers.

  • 82nd Abn. Div.'s 'Riser Burn' Rocks Airfield

    Mar 28, 2007

    In today's Army, finding a group of people who come from different backgrounds with different stories is as easy to find as a straw of hay in a haystack. But finding the same group of people who can manage to come together with their differences and bring a night of entertainment through music is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

  • CPL Tillman Report

    Mar 28, 2007

    CPL Tillman death confirmed as caused by friendly fire. Army officials say they will strive to maintain accuracy on all death reports.

  • Women in the Service

    Mar 28, 2007

    Women warriors play a vital role in the Army of today. Females gear up and serve in missions.

  • Army Looks for NCOs to Serve as Human Intelligence Collectors

    Mar 28, 2007

    The Army announced today the implementation of the Human Intelligence Noncommissioned Officer Special Recruiting Program to bring at least 100 experienced NCOs into the 97-Echo career field.

  • Spurs Serve Wounded Warriors at Barbecue - Soldiers' Hunting Trip Reaps Tasty Results

    Mar 28, 2007

    The San Antonio Spurs may occasionally get fouled on the court, but there was nothing foul about what the three-time NBA champs were dishing out March 20 at the Soldier and Family Assistance Center.

  • Army 3rd Armored Cavalry - Valorous Unit Award

    Mar 28, 2007

    The Defense Department highlights military men and women who have gone above and beyond in the Global War on Terror.

  • Jungle Patrol

    Mar 28, 2007

    Think Iraq, think desert. But the country also is situated in the so-called "fertile crescent." In some areas, the vegetation is luxuriant, which also makes it a good hiding place for weapons and terrorists. Stopping this from happening are Soldiers from the 2nd Infantry Division's 3rd Stryker Brigade Combat Team, in Diyala Province, March 20.

  • Take Time to Thank Unsung Heroes

    Mar 28, 2007

    The topic of women came up in my office the other day. We were trying to figure out the best way to highlight Women's History Month in the post newspaper. We decided to ask a few outstanding women, "If you could be any other woman, who would you be and why'"

  • Army Announces Human Intelligence Special Recruiting Program

    Mar 28, 2007

    The U.S. Army announced the implementation of the Human Intelligence (HUMINT) Non-Commissioned Officer Special Recruiting Program today to bring at least 100 experienced NCOs into the 97-Echo career field.

  • Soldiers Celebrate Women's Accomplishments

    Mar 28, 2007

    Adversity is a part of life, as women have learned throughout history. For many years women were treated as lesser individuals, unequal in the eyes of men.

  • Florida National Guard Female Soldiers Make History as Avenger Crewmembers

    Mar 28, 2007

    Two Florida National Guard Soldiers are making history as the first women to become Avenger crewmembers, a Military Occupational Specialty restricted to males until last October.

  • Wounded Soldier Re-enlists in Hospital Bed 'Down Range'

    Mar 28, 2007

    In his civilian life, Staff Sgt. Andrew S. McMann is a member of the special response team that protects nuclear facilities for the Department of Energy. His Army unit arrived in Iraq in October and he became eligible to re-enlist just two days before he was wounded.

  • Florida National Guard Female Soldiers Make History as Avenger Crewmembers

    Mar 28, 2007

    Two Florida National Guard women are making history as the first females to become Avenger crewmembers, a Military Occupational Specialty restricted to males until last October.

  • Military Working Dogs Keeping Troops Safe

    Mar 28, 2007

    While a human usually requires hearing two shots to pinpoint the direction of origin, dogs can point to the origin after only one shot, a skill that is critical when a sniper is shooting. Once the dog finds the shooter's hiding place, he can track the person and even pick him out of a lineup.

  • Leave It to Beavers

    Mar 28, 2007

    A Maryland Army National Guard CH-47D Chinook helicopter from Company B, 3rd Battalion, 126th Aviation Regiment, assists local authorities by hauling two giant pumps used to relieve pressure on a dam in the western Maryland town of Oakland on March 7. The dam had become dangerously full when a submerged outflow pipe had become clogged with sticks and mud placed by beavers.

  • Blue Suiters

    Mar 28, 2007

    Spc. Michael Townsend (left) and Air Force Staff Sgt. Lee Kuberacki, both from the North Carolina National Guard, participate in a weapons-of-mass-destruction exercise March 20, at the Charlotte Firefighter Academy in North Carolina.

  • Staff Sgt. Andrew S. McMann quote

    Mar 28, 2007

    Staff Sgt. Andrew S. McMann, a squad leader, while reenlisting in a medical facility in Iraq, March 25, just 48 hours after being wounded by an IED in Ramadi.

  • Disabled Vets to Take on Rocky Mountains

    Mar 28, 2007

    Eighteen months ago, Spc. Roberto Cruz was shot by a sniper in Iraq. The bullet destroyed the main artery in his left arm, collapsed his lung and fractured a rib.

  • Nuevos Horizontes 2007 Unites U.S. and Panama

    Mar 27, 2007

    The opening ceremony for "Nuevos Horizontes 2007", or New Horizons 2007, was held here March 23 with appearances by top-level U.S. and Panamanian officials.

  • New Al Asad Hospital Built to Save

    Mar 27, 2007

    When a service member is wounded in combat, his comrades quickly apply first aid and call for a medical evacuation; taking the first steps towards saving his life. When the helicopter arrives, the wounded man is loaded and transported to the hospital, where he is met at the landing pad by a team of medics and doctors who rush the service member into the hospital. At the hospital, the real lifesaving begins.

  • Iraqi Women 'Move History Forward'

    Mar 27, 2007

    The 615th "Cold Steel" Aviation Support Battalion hosted a Women's History Month celebration at Camp Taji, Iraq, March 19.

  • Army to Further Question Notification Officers for Tillman Death

    Mar 27, 2007

    A Department of Defense Inspector General report and findings of an Army investigation into the circumstances following the friendly-fire death of Cpl. Patrick Tillman were released yesterday.

  • Iraqi, Coalition Troops Begin Clearing Operation in Ramadi

    Mar 27, 2007

    Iraqi security and coalition forces began a major operation to clear al Qaeda from western Ramadi in Iraq's Anbar province.

  • Victim of Terror

    Mar 27, 2007

    A Soldier carries a wounded Iraqi child into the Charlie Medical Center at Camp Ramadi, Iraq, March 20. The child is one of several Iraqis who were attacked by anti-Iraqi forces in western Iraq.

  • Walking With 'Big Red One'

    Mar 27, 2007

    Soldiers from Company C, 1st Battalion, 26th Infantry Regiment, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infantry Division ('Big Red One') conduct a cordon and search operation in the Al Adhamiya area of Baghdad.

  • Suzan quote

    Mar 27, 2007

    Suzan, an Iraqi lawyer whose identity was withheld for security reasons, at a women's history celebration at Camp Taji, Iraq, March 19. She applauded the increasing opportunities for women in Iraq's military and other institutions but said extremists are making it difficult for women and want to reverse that progress.

  • Army Acts on Inspector General Recommendations Involving Tillman

    Mar 26, 2007

    Army officials announced specific actions March 26 that will be taken in response to the Department of Defense Inspector General's (DoD IG) review of the events following the death of Army Cpl. Patrick Tillman's, on April 22, 2004, in Afghanistan.

  • Army Acts on Inspector General Recommendations Involving Cpl. Tillman Death Investigation

    Mar 26, 2007

    Army officials announced specific actions March 26 that will be taken in response to the Department of Defense Inspector General's (DoD IG) review of the events following the death of Army Cpl. Patrick Tillman's, on April 22, 2004, in Afghanistan. The DoD IG report includes the detailed report of a battlefield death investigation conducted by U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Command.

  • Meet the People's Liberation Army

    Mar 26, 2007

    Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Peter Pace, Senior Enlisted Advisor to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Army Sgt. Maj. William Gainey and other Soldiers got a warm reception as they visited bases and historical sites during a week-long tour beginning March 22.

  • The Birth of Armored Forces

    Mar 26, 2007

    On April 28, 1918, the 1st Light Tank Battalion was organized at Bourg, France, with Lieutenant Colonel George S. Patton, Jr., in command.

  • Military Working Dog Teams Participate in Noise Sensitivity Training

    Mar 26, 2007

    It's not quite the Holodeck on Star Trek's U.S.S. Enterprise, but it's bigger and better than your average video game, especially if you like a screen the size of a wall. With real-time video action and realistic sound effects, the Engagement Skills 2000 trainer serves as an effective training tool, and it's the realistic sound effects that are of interest to Soldiers of the 18th Military Police Detachment, Canine Section here.

  • Weddings in Korea / Army on Content Sharing Sites

    Mar 26, 2007

    New wedding regulations in Republic of Korea; Army goes live on popular content sharing sites YouTube and Flickr.

  • Ironhorse Troops Help Return Kidnap Victims to Families

    Mar 26, 2007

    Three Iraqi men, battered and beaten after many days of being held hostage by terrorists near the town of Fallujah, entered the Company A, 115th Brigade Support Battalion's headquarters on Camp Taji, Iraq.

  • US Army Chaplain Center and School

    Mar 26, 2007

    Deployed Soldiers keep the faith in Iraq with church services and study groups. SPC Samantha Szesciorka reports.

  • How Technology is Saving Lives and Helping the Aviation Warfighter

    Mar 26, 2007

    In March 2006, the 1042nd Medical Company (Air Ambulance) returned from Bagram, Afghanistan. A medevac outfit flying the UH- 60L, the 1042nd is a National Guard unit based in Salem, Ore. This was our second tour, Bagram being our primary base, but we also spent time at forward operating bases in Jalalabad and Khowst (also known as "Salerno").

  • How Technology is Saving Lives and Helping the Aviation Warfighter

    Mar 26, 2007

    In March 2006, the 1042nd Medical Company (Air Ambulance) returned from Bagram, Afghanistan. A medevac outfit flying the UH- 60L, the 1042nd is a National Guard unit based in Salem, Ore. This was our second tour, Bagram being our primary base, but we also spent time at forward operating bases in Jalalabad and Khowst (also known as "Salerno").

  • Military Intelligence Corps Association to Offer Scholarships

    Mar 26, 2007

    The Military Intelligence Corps Association is accepting applications through May 15 for undergraduate scholarships for family members of active-duty, reserve-component and retired Soldiers who are MICA members.

  • Women's History Month Reminds Female Soldiers How Far They've Come

    Mar 26, 2007

    Women serving in the U.S. military have come a long way since the years of World War II, when American women began serving more formally in their country's military.

  • Iraqi Engineers Learn New Skills

    Mar 26, 2007

    A class of Iraqi engineers completed a four-day course in construction quality management, enhancing their job skills to achieve a quality product safely, on time and within budget. The instructor of the course, Peggy McBride is the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' Quality Assurance lead for the Europe District.

  • U.S. Increases Africa Security with Proactive Stance, General Says

    Mar 26, 2007

    A proactive stance in Africa will help to enhance stability and deter terrorist activity in the future.

  • Iraqi Forces Take Security Lead in Nineveh Province

    Mar 26, 2007

    Iraqi Soldiers and police are achieving success as the primary providers of security for residents of Nineveh province in northern Iraq.

  • Strength in Presence

    Mar 26, 2007

    Sgt. Julian Johnson and fellow Soldiers from Company B, 1st Battalion, 325th Airborne Infantry Regiment, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne Division conduct a presence patrol in Al Salaam, Iraq, March 1.

  • Arriving in Force

    Mar 26, 2007

    Soldiers from 1st Battalion, 27th Infantry Division and their M1126 Stryker Infantry Carrier Vehicle exit a C-17 Globemaster aircraft March 18, at Daegu Air Base, South Korea, during the start of Exercise Foal Eagle 2007.

  • 1st Lt. Jonathan Martin

    Mar 26, 2007

    1st Lt. Jonathan Martin, a platoon commander with the 2nd Infantry Division, embedded with an Iraqi unit in the Karada district of Baghdad, March 25. Martin is referring to the incidents of execution-style murders, attacks and roadside bombs falling dramatically, as his Soldiers are staying in an outpost in the city, away from their base and Internet connectivity.

  • Motorcycle Safety: Taming the Crotch Rockets

    Mar 26, 2007

    Ask any paratrooper how softly he lands while parachuting and he'll quickly explain Sir Isaac Newton's First Law of Motion: "An object in motion will remain in motion until an external force is applied." In other words, something has to stop the movement. And hitting the ground is not like landing on feathers.

  • Burn Patients Look Forward to Center for the Intrepid Rigor

    Mar 26, 2007

    When Sgt. Antonio Autrey was burned in Iraq by a blast that destroyed his Bradley fighting vehicle almost a year ago, all the former high school football receiver wanted to do was to be able to hold a football again.

  • Smith Bounces Back From Early Mistake in Cup Debut

    Mar 26, 2007

    Regan Smith's toughest critic following his Nextel Cup debut was Regan Smith.

  • Army Awaiting Inspector General Report Involving Cpl. Tillman Death Investigation

    Mar 23, 2007

    The U.S. Army anticipates receiving the Department of Defense Inspector General investigation into the death of Cpl. Patrick Tillman soon. The Army requested an independent review by the Department of the Defense Inspector General June 2, 2005, into the circumstances surrounding his death in Afghanistan. It also is examining the Army's procedures following Cpl. Tillman's April 22, 2004, death. The Army plans to take appropriate actions after receiving the Inspector General's report. The Army has not yet officially received the report from the Department of Defense Inspector General.

  • Dr. Florabel Mullick Named Armed Forces Institute of Pathology Director

    Mar 23, 2007

    Florabel G. Mullick, MD, SES, has been named as the next director of the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology (AFIP), becoming the 37th leader of the 145- year-old medical institution that was first founded as the Army Medical Museum

  • Army NASCAR Update

    Mar 23, 2007

    Army NASCAR driver made the 621st consecutive start, finishing 10th, he also is ranked 5th of all time in starts. Martin is scheduled to start in 23 races while Smith is scheduled to start in 15.

  • USACE Shoot House at Fort Bragg

    Mar 23, 2007

    A look at the Fort Bragg live fire shoot house, where Soldiers train for special operations. The shoot house meets the high standard of environmental requirements as well. Mary Cochran reports.

  • Army Learns Environmental Lessons from NFL

    Mar 23, 2007

    The Army took cues from the National Football League on reducing negative impacts on the environment during a lecture on sustainability hosted by the Army Environmental Policy Institute here last week.

  • Stories of Valor

    Mar 23, 2007

    Soldiers in combat face danger every day and there are many untold stories of valor that deserve recognition. This page captures some of those heroic stories which display courage through actions in the face of a lethal enemy.

  • Army Educates Civilians to be Pentathletes

    Mar 23, 2007

    The Army's Civilian Education System is offering four courses to Army civilians to empower them to become "pentathelete" leaders of the 21st century alongside their Soldier counterparts.

  • Army Uses Virtual Tool in its Battle with PTSD

    Mar 23, 2007

    The Humvee rumbles down the narrow desert road. To the left and right there is nothing but an expanse of beige sand, with an occasional palm tree sprinkled here and there.

  • Water for a Parched Land

    Mar 23, 2007

    Soldiers and Iraqi workers complete the Sen Al Thebban water project March 20, in the Hawijah district of Kirkuk Province. The project supports 10 villages in the area and is capable of providing clean drinking water for approximately 20,000 people. The Soldiers are from 2nd Battalion, 27th Infantry Regiment, 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 25th Infantry Division.

  • Military Concept Vehicles to Aid Future Development

    Mar 23, 2007

    Maybe it wasn't quite the Detroit Auto Show, but the military concept vehicles on hand last week at the Strategic Deployment Center on post turned a few heads, nonetheless.

  • Protecting the Way to Mecca

    Mar 23, 2007

    Soldiers and Marines of Task Force Lightning, along with Iraqi Soldiers and border guards, protect southwestern Iraq from bandits and terrorists. Thousands of pilgrims traveling to Mecca, Saudi Arabia, pass through this area throughout the year.

  • 2007 Army Modernization Plan

    Mar 23, 2007

    First published in 2001, The Army Modernization Plan (AMP) serves as a guide designed to be used in concert with other key Army documents such as The Army Plan, Army Posture Statement, and Army Game Plan to describe continued efforts to transform the Army. Click to read or download a copy.

  • PEO Soldier Tests Improved Parachute System

    Mar 23, 2007

    Program Executive Office (PEO) Soldier is testing a new parachute system that the Army plans to use to replace the system in use since the 1950s. The new parachutes address increased weight requirements and provide additional safety benefits. Beginning in 2008, all T-10 parachutes in the Army inventory for more than 50 years will be replaced with the Advanced Tactical Parachute System (ATPS) T-11. Although the T-10 is a proven system, today's paratroopers face increased requirements beyond the T-10's design.

  • Reconstruction Proceeding Throughout Iraq

    Mar 23, 2007

    Anti-insurgent operations, conducted by U.S. and Iraqi security forces as part of Operation Law and Order are succeeding.


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