NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organization

12 Sep. 2011

NATO Secretary General calls for new approach to defence spending

The NATO Secretary General, Mr. Anders Fogh Rasmussen, attended in London the ACT Industry Day (NATO’s Allied Command Transformation) on 12 September 2011.

“It is my intention that, by the time of the next NATO Summit, in Chicago, in May, we will be able to agree a package of specific multinational projects that provides better value for money. And more security for the money we invest in defence”, the Secretary General said in the speech delivered today.

 “I see three imperatives – to prioritize; to specialise, and to seek multinational solutions”.  On the first imperative, he focused on “areas where we have the most critical need. Areas such as missile defence. Cyber defence. Countering roadside bombs. Medical support. Transport capacity. Command and control. Intelligence and surveillance.” He wanted also to stress that “Prioritising also means spending money on operations and deployable equipment, instead of on static structures”

For new approach to defence spending

12 Sep. 2011

Statement by NATO Secretary General at the Press Conference of the Industry Days 2011, organised by NATO's Allied Command Transformation.

Last updated: 12-Sep-2011 19:54

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