Army Chaplain Corps
U.S. Army Chaplain Major Gauthier talking to Soldiers
Army Chaplain Gauthier

Marc Gauthier

Chaplain (Protestant)
Chaplain Gauthier has been a Chaplain for 14 years, lending his support to Soldiers all over the world. Learn more about Chaplain Gauthier & what he calls the Army's "Muddy Boots" chaplaincy.

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Army Chaplain Joel Panzer

Joel Panzer

Chaplain (Catholic)
Before joining the Army, Father Panzer served as a Chaplain to both high school and college students, taught high school religion, and was a parish priest. See what Father Panzer has to say about his Army Chaplain training and why he calls the Army Chaplain Corps a "Ministry of Presence."

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Chaplain LT Amy Wainwright

Amy Wainwright

Chaplain Candidate
"As a future chaplain, I hope to continue to build up Soldiers and their Family members."

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Army 2LT Alison Ward

Alison Ward

Chaplain Candidate
"I knew that this was what God wanted me to do for Him."

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