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Bamiyan Community Council, Afghanistan

The National Solidarity Program, supported by the ARTF and IDA, builds community development councils as effective institutions for local governance and development. Read More »

Construction in Kabul, Afghanistan

Despite difficult security conditions, the World Bank Group has sustained a large program of support to the country, the Bank's Independent Evaluation Group finds. Read More »


Afghanistan : Lending By Volume (Millions Of US Dollars)

Data from World Bank
Carpet weaving in Herat, Afghanistan
The Afghanistan Skills Development Project aims to increase access to high-quality vocational education and training in an equitable, efficient, and sustainable way.
Health clinic in Parwan, Afghanistan
Afghanistan has made remarkable development progress in many areas, such as health, education, microfinance, irrigation, rural livelihoods, and public management.
School girls in Kabul
World Bank-funded education projects have increased enrollment, especially for girls; trained teachers and principals; and built more than 1,000 new schools.
Hajigak Iron Mine Site
Afghanistan has created a competitive, transparent mining investment climate that has attracted large foreign direct investment commitments of more than $8 billion.
Afghan Tailor Benefits from the Rural Enterprise Development Program
The World Bank provides free and open access to a comprehensive set of data about development in countries around the globe, including Afghanistan.