NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organization

05 Aug. 200907 Aug. 2009

NATO Secretary General meets UN and Afghan officials in Afghanistan

Mr. Anders Fogh Rasmussen had a busy day in Kabul on the occasion of his first visit to Afghanistan as NATO Secretary General.

Demonstrating the comprehensive approach in action, Mr. Rasmussen met firstly with the UN Special Representative for Afghanistan, Mr. Kai Eide.  In the course of their exchange, the Secretary General commended the close cooperation that exists between NATO, the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) and the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) in theatre and expressed his confidence that this cooperation will continue and develop in the future.

The Secretary General then had a bilateral meeting with President Hamid Karzai and senior Afghan Ministers, including Minister for Foreign Affairs Mr. Spanta, Minister for Defence General Wardak, and Minister of Interior Mr. Atmar.  Participants discussed the impending Presidential and Provincial Council elections and noted the importance of continued strong partnership between the international community and the Afghan government and people following these elections.

This meeting with senior Afghan representatives was followed by a joint press conference with Afghan and international media.

Following dinner with President Karzai, the Secretary General travelled to ISAF Headquarters to meet with the Commander of the International Security Assistance Force, General Stanley A. McChrystal, and to receive a briefing on latest security developments in country.

The Secretary General will now travel to a location outside of Kabul. He will meet with provincial officials and ISAF regional commanders, as well as visit an ISAF project showcasing civilian-military cooperation.

Last updated: 06-Aug-2009 09:02
