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Environmental Sciences

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Adventure/Ecological/Learning Vacations - Science Reference Guide

Can you really build a house with straw? Everyday Mysteries

Earth Day - Science Reference Guide

Earth Decade Reading List

Earth's Water Cycle and Climate Change: Reading List - Science Reference Guide

Environment - Selected Internet Resources

Environmental Science Projects - Science Tracer Bullet

Environmentalism: Resources for kids, young adults, educators and parents - Science Reference Guide

Human Impacts on the Biosphere - A Guide to Selected Resources - Science Reference Guide

The Natural History of Lewis and Clark -- Selected Resources - Science Reference Guide

Nature Study, Nature Writing: Past and Present - Science Reference Guide

Rachel Carson: Selected Reading List - Science Reference Guide

Science Projects in Biology, Natural History and Agriculture - Science Tracer Bullet



Photo: large white stucco building with a red tile roof.
The Old Letterman Hospital at the Presidio in San Francisco, now the Thoreau Center for Sustainability, combines green building techniques with historic preservation. From the National Park Service Web site.

Living and working sustainably

Alternative Fuel Vehicles & Combustion Processes - Science Tracer Bullet

Biomass Energy - Science Tracer Bullet

Desalination - Science Tracer Bullet

Electric Power - Science Tracer Bullet

Electric Vehicles - Science Tracer Bullet

Geothermal Energy - Science Tracer Bullet

Green Roofs - Science Tracer Bullet

High Speed Rail Transportation - Science Tracer Bullet

Integrated Pest Management - Science Tracer Bullet

Pesticides and Foods - Science Tracer Bullet

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle – Quick Guide to Resources - Science Reference Guide

Solar Energy - Science Tracer Bullet

Solar Energy Update - Science Tracer Bullet

Solar Ovens and Solar Cooking - Science Reference Guide

Sustainable Agriculture - Science Tracer Bullet

Urban Transportation - Science Tracer Bullet

Veganism: Eating Consciously and Compassionately - Science Reference Guide

Wind Power - Science Tracer Bullet


Ecosystems: climatology and weather

Cold Regions Bibliography

Climate and Weather - Selected Internet Resources

Global Warming & Climate Change - Science Tracer Bullet

Is the old adage "Red sky at night, sailor's delight. Red sky in morning, sailor's warning" true, or is it just an old wives’ tale? - Everyday Mysteries

On Thin Ice: The Changing Ice Cover on Polar Oceans. A Webcast of a presentation by Thorsten Markus, Head of the Cryospheric Sciences Branch at NASA Goddard.

"Weather Forecasting" - Webcast -- Bob Ryan, Chief Meteorologist at NBC4.

Why is it hot in the summer and cold in the winter? - Everyday Mysteries


Ecosystems: flora and fauna

Bees, Pollination and Climate Change: A Guide to Selected Resources - Science Reference Guide

Biodiversity - Science Tracer Bullet

Bioethics - Science Reference Guide

Botany - Selected Internet Resources

Cheetah - Science Reference Guide

The Cheetah: A Race for Survival - A Webcast of a presentation by Dr. Laurie Marker, founder and executive director of the Cheetah Conservation Fund, headquartered in the Republic of Namibia.

Edible Wild Plants - Science Tracer Bullet

Edible Wild Plants - Science Reference Guide

Endangered Species - Selected Internet Resources

Ethnobotany of the Americas - Science Tracer Bullet

Horticulture and Gardening - Science Reference Guide

Invasive Species - Science Tracer Bullet

James A. Duke: A Select List of Librarians' Favorite Reference Tools (plants) - Science Reference Guide

Medicinal Plants - Science Tracer Bullet

The Migration of the Monarch Butterfly - Science Reference Guide

The Nature and Science of Autumn - Science Reference Guide

Plant Exploration and Introduction - Science tracer Bullet

Poisonous Plants - Science Tracer Bullet

Science Projects in Biology, Natural History and Agriculture - Science Tracer Bullet

Space Based Ornithology: Remote Sensing & Bird Migration - Science Reference Guide


Geography and geology

"Charles Darwin, Geologist" - A Webcast of a presentation by Sandra Herbert, one of the world's leading authorities on Darwin. She discusses her book in which she explores how geology changed Darwin and how Darwin changed science.

Dinosaurs - Science Tracer Bullet

Earthquake and Earthquake Engineering - Science Tracer Bullet

Geology - Selected Internet Resources

Natural Disasters - Science Reference Guide

Observing the Living Oceans from Space - A Webcast of a presentation by Gene Feldman, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center.

Oceanography - Selected Internet Resources

What are the seven seas? - Everyday Mysteries

Why is the ocean blue? - Everyday Mysteries


From American Memory

Conservation Movement ~ Multiformat ~ 1850-1920 - The Evolution of the Conservation Movement, 1850-1920.

Ecology and the American Environment - Describes some of the important steps taken by American ecologists in studying the natural environment. The plant communities, ecological zones, and environments they researched are documented in visual form in the American Environmental Photographs Collection.

Environment, Natural ~ Photographs ~ 1891-1936 - American Environmental Photographs, 1891-1936: Images from the University of Chicago Library.

Florida Everglades Environmental History ~ Multiformat ~ 1884-1934 - Reclaiming the Everglades: South Florida's Natural History, 1884-1934.



"Astrobiology: Life in Space." - A presentation by Dr. Daniel (Danny) Glavin, Astrobiologist at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center.

"Avoiding the Fate of the Mayans." The Maya civilization, at its peak, was one of the most densely populated and culturally dynamic societies in the world. But after flourishing for a thousand years, it abruptly disappeared. Thanks to Landsat satellite data and climate models, NASA archaeologist Tom Sever has gained insights into the event known as the Maya Collapse. His findings can inform our lives today.

"Big Ice Sheets Doing Big Things: Why it's a Big Deal." A Webcast of a presentation by Bob Bindschadler, Chief Scientist, Hydrospheric and Biospheric Sciences Laboratory, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC)

Bob Ryan - The Chief Meteorologist at NBC4 since 1980 spoke about weather forecasting.

On Thin Ice: The Changing Ice Cover on Polar Oceans. A Webcast of a presentation by Thorsten Markus, Head of the Cryospheric Sciences Branch at NASA Goddard, presented

"Charles Darwin, Geologist" - A Webcast of a presentation by Sandra Herbert, one of the world's leading authorities on Darwin. She discusses her book in which she explores how geology changed Darwin and how Darwin changed science.

The Cheetah: A Race for Survival. A Webcast of a presentation by Dr. Laurie Marker, the Founder and Executive Director of the Cheetah Conservation Fund, headquartered in the Republic of Namibia.

"Color in the Herb Garden" - A webcast with Jim Adams, curator of the National Herb Garden at the National Arboretum.

Dinosaurs Along the Silk Road.” - James Clark, Ph.D., the Ronald Weintraub Professor of Biology at George Washington University, Dr. Clark was a co-leader of expeditions that discovered the bones of small dinosaurs mired in mud, stacked one on top of another, in the northern part of Xinjiang, China, near the ancient Silk Road. More information:

"Earth’s Water Cycle in a Changing Climate" - A presentation by Peter Hildebrand, chief of the Hydrospheric and Biospheric Sciences Laboratory at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center.

"Farming, Food Security, and Climate Change." A presentation by Molly Brown, Senior Research Scientist, Science Systems and Applications, Inc. at NASA.

"The Folklore Behind Ecology, or Why Scientists in Ecology Need Help from Folklorists" - Dr. Daniel B. Botkin is a Research Professor at the Department of Ecology, Evolution and Marine Biology, University of California, Santa Barbara. Dr. Botkin's Web site:

"Food Politics: What to Eat in Today's Era of Food Anxiety" - Dr. Marion Nestle, NYU professor, author and food industry critic, offered guidance on healthful food selections.

"Galileo: 400 Years of the Telescope." - Dr. Michelle Thaller, NASA astrophysicist, looked at the real Galileo, his intriguing daughter Virginia, and the personalities and politics that led to his imprisonment.

"Herbs in the Garden" - A webcast with Holly Shimizu, the executive director of the United States Botanic Garden.

Honey Bees, Satellites, and Climate Change.” - Wayne Esaias, Ocean Sciences Branch, NASA GSFC.

"Hope for Animals and Their Worlds: How Endangered Animals are Being Rescued from the Brink." - Jane Goodall spoke about her latest book, Co-sponsored with the Center for the Book.

"Hubble: A New Beginning.Dave Leckrone." - A presentation by Dave Leckrone, astrophysicist with the NASA Hubble Space Program.

"Insects and Gardens: In Pursuit of a Garden Ecology" - A Webcast with Dr. Eric Grissell.

"Observing, Fighting, and Mitigating Damage from Fires" - Compton Tucker, Hydrospheric and Biospheric Sciences Laboratory, NASA GSFC, spoke on fire fighting and prevention using satellite imagery.

Observing the Living Oceans from Space. A Webcast of a presentation by Gene Feldman, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center.

"On Thin Ice: The Changing Ice Cover on Polar Oceans." - A presentation by Thorsten Markus, Head of the Cryospheric Sciences Branch at NASA Goddard.

"Our Sun: Its Influence on Life and Climate." - A presentation by Edward F. Guinan, Professor of Astronomy and Astrophysics at Villanova University.

"The Parking Garage and Its Impact on Urban Planning" - Shannon McDonald, A.I.A., Senior Architect at the architectural firm of Shannon Sanders McDonald. She spoke about movement issues as related to parking, transportation, environment, architecture, and urban planning.

"Peering Into the Storm: NASA's Exploration of Hurricanes." - A presentation by Dr. Scott A. Braun, research meteorologist at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md.

"Preserving Africa's Threatened Wildlife: Forest Peoples and Indigenous Knowledge" - Alden Almquist, anthropologist, 2003-2004 Kluge Staff Fellow, and Albert Lokasola, President, Vie Sauvage, Democratic Republic of the Congo.

"School Gardens with Constance Carter" - A multimedia presentation with the Head of the Science Research Section at the Library of Congress. Part of the Journeys and Crossings series at the Library of Congress.

"The Seashell on the Mountaintop" - Dr. Alan Cutler discusses his book on Nicholaus Steno, the founder of modern geology.

"Social Justice, the Environment and the Ethics of Collaboration" - Various speakers. Sponsored by the American Folklife Center at the Library of Congress

"Sustainable Organic Agriculture, Family Farming, Direct Marketing of Foods" - Jim Crawford, of New Morning Farm, and Sam Fromartz, author of Organic Inc.: Natural Foods and How They Grew.

"A Tale of Two Gardens" - Dr. James A. Duke. A Webcast with the noted ethnobotanist, expert on medicinal plants, and author.

Volcanoes –Near, Far and Really Far Away. A Webcast of a presentation by Ashley Davies, Asteroids, Comets and Satellites Group, Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

"Who Left the Freezer Door Open? What the Poles Are Telling Us about Climate Change" - Bob Bindschadler, Chief Scientist, Hydrospheric and Biospheric Sciences Laboratory, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC).

Other resources to check:
Databases - Many are available only on Library premises; some are freely available elsewhere:
Library of Congress E-Resources Online Catalog

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   May 29, 2012
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