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Selected Internet Resources
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Center for Innovation in Engineering and Science Education
   CIESE’s program encourages the use of Internet resources in mathematics and science lesson plans to improve student achievement. Site includes list of collaborative projects, real time data projects, projects using primary sources and archived collections and partner projects.

Education Resources Information Center (ERIC)
   The new ERIC online system released in 2004 “is a digital library of education-related resources.” The collection currently consists of bibliographic records of journal and non-journal literature from 1966. Full text non-journal articles issued from 1993 to 2004 are now available free.
   Subscription service that provides the materials formerly available from the Eisenhower National Clearinghouse for Mathematics and Science Education (ENC).

Federal Resources for Educational Excellence
   Sites for free educational resources provided by approximately 50 federal agencies.

FirstGov for Science
   Site provides public access to selected science information provided by federal agencies, including research and development results. Resources include homework help, teaching aids, internships and fellowships in science.

The Gateway to Educational Materials
    Educational resources including activities, lesson plans and online projects.

K-12 Science Education Resources
    Links to sites covering organizations, educational articles, lesson plans, materials for teachers, online courses, resources, home schooling and projects.

Math Forum
   Resources for teaching math from the primary to university level. Site also includes the Internet mathematics library, Ask Dr. Math, teacher exchange and math education questions and answers.

National Science Digital Library
   Digital library of educational resources for science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Resources include AskNSDL, new topics and resources of interest.

National Science Teachers Association (NSTA)
    Extensive list of science and math links which includes resources for museums/science centers, publications, lesson plans, science fairs, software, distance learning and employment.

PBS Teachers STEM Education Resources Center
    Selected STEM education resources and includes a database of nearly 4,000 science, technology, engineering and math resources for grades preK-12.

Science & Arts Gateway for Education (SAGE)
    Provides educators and students with links to lesson planning and learning resources in science, mathematics and the arts.

Science Learning Network
    Combines the resources of museums and centers with telecomputing to support inquiry science education.

Science Netlinks
    Purpose of this site "is to provide a wealth of resources for K-12 science educators, including lessons, website reviews, news, and forums." The site content is organized around the Benchmarks for Science Literacy, goals developed through AAAS's Project 2061.

Compiled by Joyce Howland. Updated August 2010

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   September 2, 2010
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