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Selected Internet Resources - Geology


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U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)
   Under publications, find the National Environmental Publications Internet Site (NEPIS) to search for and view over 7000 EPA publications. Zip code search for conditions in specific areas is available.

Earthquake Information from the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation
   Focus is on recent earthquakes in the western United States, but provides information on worldwide quakes as well.

Association of American State Geologists
   Provides links to state geological surveys.

USGS Geographic Names Information System
   US and territories, and Antarctica. Provides the federally recognized name of each feature with location by State, county, and geographic coordinates with topographic map and watershed information.

Canadian Geographic Names

Yahoo! Subject Directory - Ecology

GEOnet Names Server
   Links cover geology and earth science topics, bibliographies. Originates at Southhampton University, UK, so many European sites are included.

Links to Great Earth-Science Resources
   Foreign geographic feature names.



Geology databases list
   Links to searchable governmental, academic, and private sites.

Volcano World
   Major source of information on volcanoes, including graphics that appeal to younger visitors.

Google Web Directory - Earth Sciences

Yahoo! Subject Directory - Geology and Geophysics



American Geological Institute (AGI)
   Use the Member Societies button to link to home pages of societies in the many different specialties of geology.

Earthscience World
   The American Geological Institute has created this Web site to provide information for the Earth science community and the general public. Included on this Web site are the following: Image bank, Book Center, Earth Data, Earth Science Week, Geoscience Careers and Games

Geological Society of America (GSA)

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   August 23, 2010
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