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Mechanical operator on boiler parts,
Combustion Engineering Co., Chattanooga, Tenn.

Library of Congress Online Catalog
   Search the Library of Congress online catalog for books by author, title, subject heading, or keyword. Also you can search for conferences or find out which serials the Library of Congress has in its collections. Even if you aren’t able to physically come to the Library of Congess, search the catalog to see what new and not-so-recent books exist on a topic of interest and then bring the bibliographical records to your local library to identify a copy in a library closer to you so that you may request it by interlibrary loan.

Databases & Electronic Resources at the Library of Congress
   Includes subscription and non-subscription databases for all subject areas. Subscription databases can only be accessed on-site at the Library of Congress public workstations. Even if you aren’t able to physically come to the Library of Congess, visit this list so that you will have a better idea of which databases and electronic resources may be available in a library near you.

Databases & Electronic Resources at the Library of Congress for the Applied Sciences & Technology and Engineering.
    URL for Applied Sciences and Technology -   
URL for Engineering -
   Includes subscription and non-subscription databases for the areas of the applied sciences, engineering, and technology. Subscription databases can only be accessed on-site at the Library of Congress public workstations. A number of the databases have some full text articles.

The major databases for engineering and related areas include:

Applied Science and Technology Abstracts
   Wilson's Applied Science & Technology Index provides abstracts and indexing for the leading periodicals in science and technology. Subject coverage includes computers, engineering, physics, telecommunications and transportation. Provides information on management, careers and employment, and financial trends in the scientific and technological fields. Also indexes interviews, meetings, conferences, exhibitions, product reviews, buyers' guides, directories, and conference proceedings.

EI Compendex
   Engineering and technical literature, with hundreds of thousands of English-language abstracts from over 4,500 journals, 2,000 conference proceedings, technical reports, and professional society publications. This is the electronic equivalent of “Engineering Index.”

   Covers worldwide literature on cartography, climatology, demography, ecology, economic geography & geology, environment, geomorphology, geophysics, historical geography, hydrology, minerology, natural resources, palaeontology, planning, remote sensing, sedimentology, stratigraphy, tectonics, transportation, and rural, social, & urban geography.

   The GeoRef database covers the geology of North America from 1785 to the present and the geology of the rest of the world from 1933 to the present.

   Includes abstracts and index terms for over 6 million articles published worldwide in all fields of physics, electrical engineering and electronics, computing and information technology.

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)
   Provides access to the latest US government-sponsored research and worldwide scientific, technical, engineering, and business-related information.

Other databases available on-site at the Library of Congress that may prove useful include:

  • Academic Search Premier
  • Article First
  • Conference Papers Index
  • Declassified Documents Reference System
  • Digital Dissertations
  • Emerald Full Text
  • Environmental Issues & Policy Index
  • Environmental Sciences and Pollution Management
  • General Science Abstracts
  • Global Books in Print
  • GPO Monthly Catalog
  • History of Science, Technology & Medicine
  • InfoTrac OneFile
  • Ingenta
  • Military and Government Collection
  • Proceedings First
  • Readers Guide Retrospective
  • Science Citation Index
  • Science Journals via ProQuest
  • Thomas Register
  • Web of Science
  • WorldCat (OCLC union catalog)
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  Home >> Science Reference Guides >> The Engineering Profession
  The Library of Congress >> Researchers
   January 7, 2011
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