Welcome to Oregon's Coastal Atlas

We hope you enjoy your visit to our website! The Oregon Coastal Atlas is a multi-group project that has the ambitious goal of being a useful resource for the various audiences that make up the management constituency of the Oregon Coastal Zone. The project is a depot for traditional and digital information which can be used to inform decision-making relating to the Oregon Coastal Zone. We provide background information for different coastal systems, access to interactive mapping, online geospatial analysis tools, and direct download access to various planning and natural resource data sets relating to coastal zone management.


Maps & Tools


Map image The Coastal Atlas includes an Internet Map Server which can be used by visitors to view a variety of standard, preformatted and commonly requested base and overlay data served in the Atlas archives. Those who do not have access to a desktop GIS may use this tool to create simple personalized maps using data relevant to the coast. Maps can be given personalized titles and output to PDF format for use in printed reports, email, etc.


Tools Tools help users acomplish common tasks. In the case of the Coastal Atlas tools list we've assembled links to a variety of tools created by NOAA, FEMA and others designed to help different types of coastal users answer questions that are common in coastal areas. In addition, we make available a series of Oregon topic-specific coastal tools constructed by Atlas partners through various grant opportunities. 

Learn & Search


Learn This section contains simple introductory information for a range of coastal geographic settings (Estuaries, Sandy Shores, Rocky Shores, Ocean Areas), coastal topics (Access, Hazards, History, Processes) and Atlas related technologies (hardware descriptions, software listings, and metadata). Any inquiry into coastal settings or topics will provide both broad background materials as well as summaries and links to more specific data.


Search The heart of the Coastal Atlas is an archive of geospatial data collected over the years by various program partners of the Oregon Ocean-Coastal Management Program. Rather than allow such data to gather dust on shelves and in storage boxes, we've made a concerted effort to look in our attic for digital data that can be brought into the future via the new Atlas Archive. The intent was to create a one-stop shop for finding the fruits of past data collection efforts.

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