United States Department of Veterans Affairs

Office of Acquisition and Logistics — Office of Procurement Policy Services and Warrant Management

Warrant Certification Process

Step 1:
Application received from Acquisition Career Manager’s (ACM) office in FAC-C Warrant Management System
Right pointing arrow Step 2:
Application documents are downloaded, printed and filed in either a new or existing folder for the individual requesting a warrant
Right pointing arrow Step 3:
The Warrant Program Management (WPM) Team checks for the applicant’s current FAC-C certification and for the justification memo detailing the organizational need
Step 4:
The file is forwarded to the Director, Procurement Policy Services (PPS)
Right pointing arrow Step 5:
A recommendation for approval/disapproval is made by PPS Director
Right pointing arrow Step 6:
PPS Director’s recommendation is forwarded to Deputy Senior Procurement Executive (DSPE) for final approval