The WeatherMatrix Blog

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  • Sandy the Superstorm? History Says No

    Oct 24, 2012; 12:29 PM ET

    A morning forecast model image gave every meteorologist who saw it a sick feeling in their gut, but what are the probabilities of this nightmare scenario?

  • The Coming Halloween Superstorm -- or Not

    Oct 22, 2012; 12:51 PM ET

    The Euro model has a Category 3 hurricane making landfall in New Jersey, leaving 40 inches of snow in Pennsylvania. Something similar happened not that long ago.

  • Is the Weather Getting Crazier?

    Oct 9, 2012; 2:22 PM ET

    Is the weather getting crazier? Listen to this Google Hangout video; this may be the most important weather video you see this year.

  • Drought... for the Birds

    Sep 29, 2012; 2:07 PM ET

    Drought can be devastating for birds, but you can help by putting out birdbaths and water feeders. like these from Woodstream, Inc.

  • Remembering Hurricane Isabel - On Paper!

    Sep 19, 2012; 4:03 PM ET

    I take a look back at Hurricane Isabel with never-before-released weather maps, summaries and (gasp) scanned newspaper pages. What's become of this ancient form of art?

  • Isaac Tests Levees, Dams and Social Media

    Aug 30, 2012; 10:48 AM ET

    It may be the third day of Isaac but things are "getting real." After nearly 2 feet of rain, levees and dams are breaking and I'm tracking it all via Social Media.

  • Isaac Turns to New Orleans; Are Levees Ready?

    Aug 26, 2012; 12:56 PM ET

    With the models shifting Isaac's track to New Orleans last night, the new levees came just in time. But can they protect the city and what of the oil spill?

J's Breaking Weather News

About This Blog

Jesse Ferrell
Jesse Ferrell's WeatherMatrix blog covers extreme weather worldwide with a concentration on weather photos and Social Media. Bloggers

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