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  1. Recent Posts by Others on WeatherMatrixSee All
    • Kathy Lambert
       Here's a NY surf cam
      4 hours ago
    • Hi Jesse, looking at the hurricane on satellite it is not impressive at all. I don't understand how this ragged thing is going to organize?
      15 · Friday at 5:50pm
  2. AT LEAST! Remember Hurricane Ike did 7.5m: RT @BuzzFeed: John Hopkins University: >10 million will lose power. #frankenstorm #sandy
  3. Rain max (8") and snow (12") from most sources too low. If Sandy hangs around, there could be locally 20" rain, 5' snow.
    Photo: Rain max (8") and snow (12") from most sources too low. If Sandy hangs around, there could be locally 20" rain, 5' snow.
  4. Sounds like NWS won't be issuing Hurricane advisories for the NE Coast. If this is true, it's not a great idea. Mariners will get it but coastal residents may not, and Hurricane advisories trigger some evacs & EMA decisions.
  5. If I'm not mistaken, this is showing 66-foot waves from Hurricane Sandy offshore, with 30 foot waves on the CT/RI coast. WaveWatchIII shows similar coast but "only" 50 foot waves off shore. Let's hope this model is out to lunch.
    What is the worst possible Hurricane Sandy landfall scenario? If this hurricane were to hit northern New Jersey, the storm surge into New York City would be a once in a century type event. Much of the southern Manhattan subway system could ...
    be flooded out. Notice how one computer model produces wave heights of more than 20+ feet for Long Island late Monday. Granted, this is a long shot scenario but it something to watch...see next post for the official National Hurricane Center track
    See More
    Photo: What is the worst possible Hurricane Sandy landfall scenario? If this hurricane were to hit northern New Jersey, the storm surge into New York City would be a once in a century type event. Much of the southern Manhattan subway system could be flooded out. Notice how one computer model produces wave heights of more than 20+ feet for Long Island late Monday. Granted, this is a long shot scenario but it something to watch...see next post for the official National Hurricane Center track
  6. Stunning image of Sandy overnight from the "visible" Day-Night Band on the Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS), located on the Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership (NPP) satellite.

    NPP is a joint NASA-NOAA polar-orbiting satellite mission.
    Photo: Stunning image of Sandy overnight from the "visible" Day-Night Band on the Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS), located on the Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership (NPP) satellite. 

NPP is a joint NASA-NOAA polar-orbiting satellite mission.
  7. The 12Z GFS model says that Hurricane Sandy will tie the all-time lowest pressure record in the Northeast U.S.!
    Photo: The 12Z GFS model says that Hurricane Sandy will tie the all-time lowest pressure record in the Northeast U.S.!
  8. Wave model predicting waves higher than 42 feet offshore, with over 20 feet very near most of the Northeast coast.
    Photo: Wave model predicting waves higher than 42 feet offshore, with over 20 feet very near most of the Northeast coast.
  9. "Flying debris, (including airborne panes of glass from skyscrapers) will pose a danger."
    HURRICANE SANDY MAP #2: WINDS. There is the potential for tens of thousands of trees to be downed and millions of utility customers could be without power, for weeks in remote areas. Flying debris, (including airborne panes of glass from skyscrapers) will pose a danger. FULL STORY:
    Photo: HURRICANE SANDY MAP #2: WINDS. There is the potential for tens of thousands of trees to be downed and millions of utility customers could be without power, for weeks in remote areas. Flying debris, (including airborne panes of glass from skyscrapers) will pose a danger. FULL STORY:
  10. A few final thoughts on what may be the strongest storm that the Northeast has seen in recorded history. PLUS: Sandy is progged to beat (by far) the 1993 Superstorm & Perfect Storm 1993.
  11. Took this pic this morning at the meeting.
    Another emergency map discussion with the forecasters at 8 AM. We are very concerned about this storm's impact next week.
    Photo: Another emergency map discussion with the forecasters at 8 AM. We are very concerned about this storm's impact next week.
  12. HPC rain forecast. AccuWeather maps (rain/snow/wind) coming out soon.
    Photo: HPC rain forecast. AccuWeather maps (rain/snow/wind) coming out soon.
  13. Interesting...
    We need your help! The NWS and NOAA National Severe Storms Laboratory are looking for precipitation TYPE reports this winter for improvement of radar technologies! The PING project is a large scale effort to find out what's happening at the...
    surface during winter storms. Since radar only tells us what's happening aloft, we need a huge amount of reports of weather at the surface so we can better calibrate our new Dual-Polarization radar products.

    You can enter your reports, and get all the details here:

    In the coming weeks, a free iOS platform smartphone app will be released where you can quickly and easily send a report no matter where you are. A free Android platform version will follow soon after. Every report will help make a difference.

    Consider helping out this cold season - it will make a difference!
    See More
    Photo: We need your help! The NWS and NOAA National Severe Storms Laboratory are looking for precipitation TYPE reports this winter for improvement of radar technologies! The PING project is a large scale effort to find out what's happening at the surface during winter storms. Since radar only tells us what's happening aloft, we need a huge amount of reports of weather at the surface so we can better calibrate our new Dual-Polarization radar products.  

You can enter your reports, and get all the details here:

In the coming weeks, a free iOS platform smartphone app will be released where you can quickly and easily send a report no matter where you are. A free Android platform version will follow soon after. Every report will help make a difference.

Consider helping out this cold season - it will make a difference!
  14. The weather hasn't "scared" me for a long time, but what I'm seeing tonight on the forecast models, and the seriousness with which I'm seeing famous meteorologists discuss next week's historic storm, has gotten me a little worried. If you live in any STATE on the East Coast, it's time to think about preparing for next week's storm because the track is not certain but the potential devastation seems to be. Tomorrow in my blog I'll be talking about worst-case scenarios and what you need to be prepared for. Some simple steps can keep next week from being a nightmare for you and your family.
  15. Awesome pic of close-up lightning with a leader from the pole at right. Very rare to get a leader in the pic.
    Attachment of flash (cropped) from late 2012.
    Photo: Attachment of flash (cropped) from late 2012.
  16. Greek Island waterspouts earlier this week.
    October 23-24, 2012: Waterspouts off of the Greek islands of Siros and Heraklion.
    Photo: October 23-24, 2012: Waterspouts off of the Greek islands of Siros and Heraklion.
  17. LOL
    From the moment they saw each other you knew there could be a connection. Have to laugh sometimes!
    Photo: From the moment they saw each other you knew there could be a connection. Have to laugh sometimes!
  18. NWS says phasing will happen next week, calls it "Frankenstorm" here: Sat shot from noon shown below.
    Photo: NWS says phasing will happen next week, calls it "Frankenstorm" here: Sat shot from noon shown below.
  19. Via Chris Novy, from the Oklahoma Mesonet: Temps currently range from 36 in Western Oklahoma to 76 in the eastern part of the state.
    Photo: Via Chris Novy, from the Oklahoma Mesonet: Temps currently range from 36 in Western Oklahoma to 76 in the eastern part of the state.
  20. Just got out of an EMERGENCY morning map discussion at AccuWeather. New Hurricane Sandy track map is up at We are going with a Cat 1 Hurricane off the tip of Long Island Tuesday morning.
  21. Sandy, Ja'makin' me crazy...
    Sandy has moved over Jamaica and is now move toward Cuba. See the Radar with Eye.
    Photo: Sandy has moved over Jamaica and is now move toward Cuba. See the Radar with Eye.
  22. My favorite part is when you see a power flash as it overcomes the transformer!
  23. RT @EverythingWeather: Clouds associated with Hurricane #Sandy cover an enormous area more than 1,500 miles from near S. America to near Bermuda
    Photo: RT @EverythingWeather: Clouds associated with Hurricane #Sandy cover an enormous area more than 1,500 miles from near S. America to near Bermuda
  24. The GFDL model (a model made for hurricane tracking, but IMHO not very reliable) shows a 932 MB (Cat 4) hurricane making landfall in Delaware!
    Photo: The GFDL model (a model made for hurricane tracking, but IMHO not very reliable) shows a 932 MB (Cat 4) hurricane making landfall in Delaware!
  25. Awesome sunrise in Grand Junction, CO
    Amazing sunrise in the Grand Valley right now!
    Photo: Amazing sunrise in the Grand Valley right now!
  26. Luck o' the Irish...
    Sunset on Monday evening at Roonagh, Louisburgh, Co. Mayo. Image Kerstin Hellman
    Photo: Sunset on Monday evening at Roonagh, Louisburgh, Co. Mayo. Image Kerstin Hellman
  27. RE: (Hurricane) Sandy: No Oct./Nov./Dec. Hurricane (even after weakening) has made landfall in the Northeast U.S. since 1900.
    Photo: RE: (Hurricane) Sandy: No Oct./Nov./Dec. Hurricane (even after weakening) has made landfall in the Northeast U.S. since 1900.
  28. Great discussion on the models & ensembles for (Hurricane) Sandy.
    Tropical storm Sandy UPDATE. Storm is intensifying and may be hurricane in 24 hours. Hurricane warning for Jamaica, watch for eastern Cuba. Tropical storm watches for Haiti and Bahamas. Model guidance has shifted a bit WEST today, closer...
    to East Coast (as shown here). POTENTIAL for dangerous storm next week, particularly in New England but mid-Atlantic still in play An out to sea track is also VERY possible (as shown here). Bottom line: keep a close eye on forecasts in the coming days.

    Our latest blog post describes the scenarios:
    See More
    Photo: Tropical storm Sandy UPDATE.  Storm is intensifying and may be hurricane in 24 hours.  Hurricane warning for Jamaica, watch for eastern Cuba. Tropical storm watches for Haiti and Bahamas.  Model guidance has shifted a bit WEST today, closer to East Coast (as shown here). POTENTIAL for dangerous storm next week, particularly in New England but mid-Atlantic still in play  An out to sea track is also VERY possible (as shown here). Bottom line: keep a close eye on forecasts in the coming days.

Our latest blog post describes the scenarios:
  29. Some great points here...
    If you read this update often, you know the European model (ECMWF) carries a lot of weight with me and for good reason. It has the best track record with tropical systems. So, when the ECMWF shows a different track for Sandy then most of t...
    he other models, it catches my eye. Remember Isaac back in August? 5-7 days out, many of the models, including the GFS, showed Isaac riding up Florida and the east coast, while the ECMWF was consistently showing a more westward track toward Louisiana and Texas. As we got closer to landfall, the GFS trended toward the ECMWF track. In the end, landfall was in Louisiana...a huge win for the European model. This map is the European's projection of where Sandy (likely a massive Nor'easter) may be Monday night. Interestingly, this model projects the central pressure to be 950mb...equivalent to a cat 3 hurricane! We're still 6-7 days away from this potential scenario playing out, so nothing is etched in stone. In fact, it's still entirely possible it misses the east coast all together. With that said, if I lived in the Mid-Atlantic or New England states, I'd keep a close eye on things through the week. The potential is there for this to be a massive, perhaps historical, storm for that part of the country. If you have friends or family up there, share this!
    See More
    Photo: If you read this update often, you know the European model (ECMWF) carries a lot of weight with me and for good reason.  It has the best track record with tropical systems. So, when the ECMWF shows a different track for Sandy then most of the other models, it catches my eye. Remember Isaac back in August? 5-7 days out, many of the models, including the GFS, showed Isaac riding up Florida and the east coast, while the ECMWF was consistently showing a more westward track toward Louisiana and Texas.  As we got closer to landfall, the GFS trended toward the ECMWF track. In the end, landfall was in Louisiana...a huge win for the European model. This map is the European's projection of where Sandy (likely a massive Nor'easter) may be Monday night.  Interestingly, this model projects the central pressure to be 950mb...equivalent to a cat 3 hurricane! We're still 6-7 days away from this potential scenario playing out, so nothing is etched in stone. In fact, it's still entirely possible it misses the east coast all together. With that said, if I lived in the Mid-Atlantic or New England states, I'd keep a close eye on things through the week.  The potential is there for this to be a massive, perhaps historical, storm for that part of the country.  If you have friends or family up there, share this!
  30. Wave model from Tropical Storm (probably then Hurricane) Sandy
    Here's one wave forecast for Saturday. Just one model -- but it shows the possibility for some big breakers. #ilm #ncwx #surfing
    Photo: Here's one wave forecast for Saturday. Just one model -- but it shows the possibility for some big breakers. #ilm #ncwx #surfing
  31. This Euro model prediction from last night shows a Cat 3 Hurricane making landfall on the New Jersey coast and predicts up to 40 inches of snow in Pennsylvania! Before you discount it, Hurricane Wilma came up the coast in 2005 and helped bring 30 inches of snow to New England:
    Photo: This Euro model prediction from last night shows a Cat 3 Hurricane making landfall on the New Jersey coast and predicts up to 40 inches of snow in Pennsylvania! Before you discount it, Hurricane Wilma came up the coast in 2005 and helped bring 30 inches of snow to New England:
  32. Another (possible) reason for the Halloween superstorm... I'll be blogging more about this later this morning.
  33. If this makes you (northeasteners) warmer, it was 98.2F today at Magnum, Oklahoma
    Photo: If this makes you (northeasteners) warmer, it was 98.2F today at Magnum, Oklahoma
  34. Before you scoff at this,1.) This ain't the GFS, it's the EURO model, only out 10 days. 2.) What this probably confirms is a big pattern change will be in place by Halloween, delivering MUCH colder weather and snow to many places in the northern states.
    Gotta love this image. Euro total snowfall through 240 hours. Notice our tropical systems gives a lot of snow to Michigan!
    Photo: Gotta love this image. Euro total snowfall through 240 hours. Notice our tropical systems gives a lot of snow to Michigan!
  35. Cellular showers at sunset 10/20/2012 in State College, PA.
    Photo: Cellular showers at sunset 10/20/2012 in State College, PA.
  36. Lenticular clouds @ sunset 10/20/2012 in State College, PA.
    Photo: Lenticular clouds @ sunset 10/20/2012 in State College, PA.
  37. Latest model prediction for clouds @ 4 AM tonight:
    HRRR says that *some* of PA will be able to see the meteors late tonight. This cloud cover map is from 4 AM tonight.
    Photo: HRRR says that *some* of PA will be able to see the meteors late tonight. This cloud cover map is from 4 AM tonight.
  38. HRRR Model suggesting that the clouds may be breaking at dusk for many areas in the Northeast who have clouds this morning, but will it last until the meteor shower? U.S. forecast here:
    Photo: HRRR Model suggesting that the clouds may be breaking at dusk for many areas in the Northeast who have clouds this morning, but will it last until the meteor shower? U.S. forecast here:
  39. Cool image of dust showing up on the ceilomterer out of Huntsville, AL. It shoots a laser straight up when it bounces off of something you get a return. Black area is dust. H/T James Spann & UAHuntsville
    Photo: Cool image of dust showing up on the ceilomterer out of Huntsville, AL. It shoots a laser straight up when it bounces off of something you get a return. Black area is dust. H/T James Spann & UAHuntsville
  40. Widespread dust storm in Nebraska as a result of the high winds
    If you think it's windy here today, take a look to the west. Winds have been gusting between 60 and 70 mph across western South Dakota and Nebraska all day, which initiated a massive dust storm that has surged souteast through Kansas. This ...
    dust storm has produced "grey out" conditions between Imperial, NE and Hays, KS with visibilities reduced to near zero. This has led to road closures. This is all due to an enormous pressure gradient between a departing low pressure system over Minnesota and an incoming high over Wyoming. Pressure gradients (the difference in air pressure over a given distance) are what drives the wind, and the values today on this scale are about as large as they get. If you click to enlarge this graphic, you will see a second image which is a screen capture taken along Interstate 80 in southwest Nebraska just after 1 PM.
    See More
    Photo: If you think it's windy here today, take a look to the west. Winds have been gusting between 60 and 70 mph across western South Dakota and Nebraska all day, which initiated a massive dust storm that has surged souteast through Kansas. This dust storm has produced "grey out" conditions between Imperial, NE and Hays, KS with visibilities reduced to near zero. This has led to road closures. This is all due to an enormous pressure gradient between a departing low pressure system over Minnesota and an incoming high over Wyoming. Pressure gradients (the difference in air pressure over a given distance) are what drives the wind, and the values today on this scale are about as large as they get. If you click to enlarge this graphic, you will see a second image which is a screen capture taken along Interstate 80 in southwest Nebraska just after 1 PM.
  41. Five weather instruments in Rapid City, SD have reported wind gusts over 70 mph today, as high as 81 mph downtown.
    Photo: Five weather instruments in Rapid City, SD have reported wind gusts over 70 mph today, as high as 81 mph downtown.
  42. WeatherMatrix shared Bellie Ballard Earp's photo.
    "Low" rainbow (closer to noon than sunset/sunrise) in North Carolina with Fall Foliage earlier this month... nice pic!
    Capture the rainbow ... Near Little Switzerland, NC on Blue Ridge Parkway ~ October 7, 2012
    Photo: Capture the rainbow ... Near Little Switzerland, NC on Blue Ridge Parkway ~ October 7, 2012
  43. A series of Tornadoes swept the South last night, injuring 8. Reports: More news:
    Photo: A series of Tornadoes swept the South last night, injuring 8. Reports: More news:

Earlier in October

Earlier in 2012