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Title - Competition Templates and Samples

Question -

Could you please provide me with competitive guidance regarding samples and templates to help myself and others with future source selection efforts? Main Areas of need are: how to evaluate past performance, how to write a good SSP, how to make good evaluation score sheets, what to tell the TEB/CEB/PPEB/SSAC/SSA exactly to write in their reports.

Scenario - My organization primarily processes sole source acquisitions and competitions are few and far between. Therefore, when competitions do come around it is extremely difficult to obtain knowledgeable sources for information and nearly impossible to find quality templates. I've taken CLC courses and read the DoD Source Selection Procedures, but what I really need are samples and templates to view rather than reading documentation of what I need to do. I have an idea of what I NEED to do; however, I do not know HOW to carry out these actions.

Posted - 9/26/2012 8:54:00 AM

Subject Area - Contracting - Source Selection


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Please see the references at the web links cited below for information regarding source selection samples and templates from various military Services covering the areas of interest described in your inquiry.


Principles and Procedures for Competitive Source Selection

Competitive Proposal Evaluation

NAWC Generic Source Selection Plan

NAWC Generic Proposal Evaluation Plan

Preparation Guide for Competitive Source Selection Proposal Evaluation Reports (PER)

Format for Competitive Source Selection Proposal Evaluation Reports (PER)

Proposal Evaluation Standards

Past Performance


Army Source Selection, Appendix H – Templates

Air Force Source Selection Guide

For further research, additional guidance may be found at:
DPAP Source Selection Website

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