Army Strong Videos

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Strength to Sustain

The safety of a Blackhawk Helicopter lies in the hands of the UH-60 Helicopter Repairer. They do everything from engine repair and maintenance in between missions to servicing subsystems. And some Helicopter Repairers also serve as Blackhaw...

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Strength to Sustain

The safety of a Blackhawk Helicopter lies in the hands of the UH-60 Helicopter Repairer. They do everything from engine repair and maintenance in between missions to servicing subsystems. And some Helicopter Repairers also serve as Blackhaw...

I'm Specialist Alicia Ford. I'm a 15 Tango (15T). And what that means is that I'm a Mechanic on a Black Hawk. And I happen to be a Crew Chief as well.
On the whole, being a Mechanic and a Crew Chief is awesome. My family was very shocked when I joined the military. But they were very proud.
Joining the Army has taught me so many things that I never thought that I could do. When you're a Crew Chief in the Army, your job in the helicopter is to be the eyes and the ears of the pilots.
My job entails taking care of the cargo in the helicopter and all the passengers and I man the gun.
This is a job that really anybody can do as long as you push yourself to do it. My advice to anyone is to go for it. It's a great experience.
The Army is amazing, the whole go.
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