Questions & Answers
Japanese encephalitis
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Administration - Answers
  1. How is JE vaccine administered?

    IXIARO® is an inactivated virus vaccine injected intramuscularly in a two-dose series. Doses are administered on day zero (the day of initial immunization) and on day twenty-eight. All patients receive 0.5 mL per dose. The IXIARO® series should be completed at least 1 week prior to potential exposure to JEV. The need for and timing of booster doses is not known at this time.

    You cannot use IXIARO® as a booster dose for previously administered JE-Vax®. Explain to the patient that their previous doses of JE-Vax® are void and they will have to complete the two dose series of IXIARO® administration for protection against JE.

  2. What are the most common side effects following JE immunizations?

    The most common side effects are headache, muscle pain and injection site reactions (e.g., pain, swelling, tenderness, redness). Nausea, skin rash, fatigue, flu-like illness, and fever may also occur. Contact your health care provider if you have any of the following problems because these may be signs of an allergic reaction:

    • difficulty breathing
    • hoarseness or wheezing
    • hives
    • dizziness, weakness or fast heart beat