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  • Residents and Businesses Unite to Reduce Substance Abuse in Chicago’s Chinatown

  • Community Leaders for a Lifetime

    Dr. Pete Dreisbach is the Director of the Kentucky FFA Leadership Training Center. Pete was born in Yadakunya, Nigeria to U.S. born citizens serving abroad for approximately sixty years. His unique upbringing shaped his world view, and created a strong interest in agriculture and youth development. Pete developed a passion for FFA because of its natural combination of agricultural education and youth development.

  • Two American Scientists Win Nobel Prize in Chemistry

    Today two American chemists, Robert J. Lefkowitz of Duke University and Brian K. Kobilka of Stanford University, were awarded the prestigious Nobel Prize in Chemistry. OSTP is pleased to congratulate these exceptional scientists and celebrate their high achievement.

  • Every Opportunity

    Andrea Kneer-Rice is a 4-H educator at the University of Maryland Extension, with a focus in STEM education. Andrea believes that in 4-H, it is important for members to take advantage of every opportunity. She says that a new experience can lead into a never before seen talent for our youth, and inspire them to continue discovering themselves.

  • Your Fall #WHGarden Tour Photos

  • Youth Development through Self Learning

    Dr. Samuel G. Roberson Sr. is currently a Program Specialist, 4-H & Youth Development Prairie View A&M University Cooperative Extension Program in Texas. With the support and encouragement as a child to do more, Samuel has committed his entire life to helping youth realize their full potential. While pursuing his PhD at Texas A&M University researching youth development, Samuel discovered 4-H. He believes the emphasis by 4-H programs on hands-on learning is directly correlated to the creative mischief that he experimented with in open fields as child.

  • Make the Best Better

    Chamonix Mejia has been an active 4-H member for the past 11 years. Chamonix strives to encourage 4-H members to realize the many ways they can improve their lives. She lives by the 4-H motto, "To Make the Best Better." Through her activity in 4-H, Chamonix works to help others help themselves.

  • Reaching the Younger Generation

    Jordan Paine is the President of the Southern Valley FFA Chapter and the Oxford Jr. Feeders 4-H Club in Oxford, Nebraska. Through her leadership positions, Jordan strives to increase youth involvement in her community. She started the youth bucket-calf program to teach younger members how to raise calves.

  • Technology Education for the Next Generation

    Kaydn Ence is a high school junior from Saint George, Utah. When a large hi-tech company decided not to expand its operations in his hometown, Kaydn was determined to find out why. He learned the decision was largely because people lacked the technological skills needed to fill over 300 jobs. Desiring a positive outcome for future opportunities, Kaydn decided to act by working to provide technology education for the next generation of the workforce.

  • Conquer the Unthinkable

    Kea Norrell Boyd is an educator for the Wayne County 4-H Mentoring Program, a part of the Children & Youth Institute at Michigan State University Extension. When Kea was tasked at expanding the Wayne County 4-H Mentoring Program, she realized the true importance of offering caring adult mentors to at-risk youth. Kea works to find ways for young people growing up in a high-risk environments a chance to succeed and ways to support them.