The White House Blog: The President

  • President Obama Hosts Fourth Annual Iftar Dinner at the White House

    President Barack Obama delivers remarks during the Iftar Dinner, Aug. 10, 2012

    President Barack Obama delivers remarks during the Iftar Dinner in the State Dining Room of the White House, Aug. 10, 2012 (Official White House Photo by Chuck Kennedy)

    Last night, President Obama hosted his fourth Iftar dinner as President in the State Dining Room of the White House. The Iftar is the meal that breaks the day of fasting during Ramadan, when Muslim families and communities eat together after sunset.

    During his remarks at the dinner, the President reflected on the importance of religious freedom and the important role Muslims have played throughout our country’s history.

    Of all the freedoms we cherish as Americans, of all the rights that we hold sacred, foremost among them is freedom of religion, the right to worship as we choose.  It’s enshrined in the First Amendment of our Constitution -- the law of the land, always and forever.  It beats in our heart -- in the soul of the people who know that our liberty and our equality is endowed by our Creator.  And it runs through the history of this house, a place where Americans of many faiths can come together and celebrate their holiest of days -- and that includes Ramadan.

    As I’ve noted before, Thomas Jefferson once held a sunset dinner here with an envoy from Tunisia -- perhaps the first Iftar at the White House, more than 200 years ago.  And some of you, as you arrived tonight, may have seen our special display, courtesy of our friends at the Library of Congress -- the Koran that belonged to Thomas Jefferson.  And that's a reminder, along with the generations of patriotic Muslims in America, that Islam -- like so many faiths -- is part of our national story.

    Watch the President's remarks at the Iftar Dinner here.

  • Weekly Address All-Hands-On-Deck Response to the Drought

    President Obama discusses the Administration’s all-hands-on-deck approach to one of the worst droughts in more than fifty years. 

    Transcript | Download mp4 | Download mp3

  • West Wing Week 08/10/12 or “We Have A Moral, Sacred Duty”

    Welcome to the West Wing Week, your guide to everything that’s happening at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. This week, the President continued to push for middle class tax cuts, spoke with both the AAPD Summer interns with disabilities and with the White House Summer Interns of 2012, signed the Honoring America’s Veterans and Caring for Camp Lejeune Families Act, and convened his Rural Council to discuss ways to ease the burden of drought. That’s August 3rd to August 9th or “We Have A Moral, Sacred Duty.”

    Watch the West Wing Week here.

  • President Obama's Tax Cuts for the Middle Class

    Tax cut infographic teaser

    Unless the House of Representatives takes action before January 1, 2013, taxes will go up on 114 million middle-class families. Nearly everyone in Washington agrees that’s a bad idea. That’s why President Obama is calling for -- and the Senate has already passed --  legislation that will keep the middle class from paying thousands of extra dollars next year.

    Republicans in the House of Representatives, however, are refusing to extend middle-class tax cuts without also giving massive tax cuts to the wealthiest 2 percent of Americans. In fact, House Republicans have proposed their own tax plan that would actually raise taxes on 25 million families making less than $250,000, while giving families making more than $1 million an average tax cut of $160,000 next year.

    We’ve put together an infographic to help you understand some of the details behind the tax cut extension President Obama is asking Congress to pass, and how it differs with the House Republican proposal. Check it out, and if you agree with President Obama that extending middle-class tax cuts is the right thing to do, share it on your social networks and pass it on to your friends and family.   

  • President Obama's Call with the Prime Minister of India

    President Obama Talks With Prime Minister Singh Of India

    President Barack Obama talks on the phone with Prime Minister Manmohan Singh of India aboard Air Force One during a flight to Colorado, Aug. 8, 2012. The President called Prime Minister Singh to express condolences for victims of the attack at the gurdwara in Wisconsin, which took the lives of Indian nationals as well as Americans, and to convey the solidarity of the American people. Ben Rhodes, Deputy National Security Advisor for Strategic Communications, is seated at right. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)

    Yesterday morning, President Obama placed a call to Dr. Manmohan Singh, the prime minister of India. 

    The two leaders discussed the shooting at the Sikh temple in Oak Creek, Wisconsin, and the President expressed his condolences for the senseless attack. 
    According to a readout of that conversation, "Prime Minister Singh expressed his gratitude for the many messages and gestures of support from the United States, and for the prompt reaction and heroism of the local police department."
    To learn more about the call, check out the full readout here
    In the United States, the American flag remain at half-staff until sunset tomorrow to honor the victims of the shooting

  • An Administration-Wide Response to the Drought

    President Barack Obama meets with the White House Rural Council (August 7, 2012)

    President Barack Obama meets with the White House Rural Council to discuss ongoing efforts in response to the drought, in the Roosevelt Room of the White House, Aug. 7, 2012. Among those attending with the President were, from left, Labor Secretary Hilda L. Solis, Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack and Karen Mills, Administrator of the Small Business Administration. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)

    Throughout much of the country, communities are struggling with one of the worst droughts to strike the U.S. in decades. The lack of rain and high temperatures have done considerable damage to crops -- particularly those in the Midwest.

    Today, President Obama met with the White House Rural Council to discuss the steps being taken to help farmers, ranchers, and small businesses wrestling with this crisis.

    As part of that response, the U.S. Department of Agriculture today announced that it will provide millions of dollars in assistance to restore livestock lands affected by the drought. The USDA will spend $16 million on technical and financial assistance for those whose crops or herds have suffered.

    The USDA has also reduced interest rates on its emergency loan program and worked with the major crop insurers to allow farmers to forego interest payments on unpaid premiums until November. The National Credit Union Administration also announced that more than 1,000 credit unions are increasing their lending to small businesses -- including farmers.

  • President Obama Discusses the Shooting in Oak Creek, Wisconsin

    Before signing a bill that will better protect veterans and their families, President Obama took a question from reporters about Sunday's shooting in Oak Creek, Wisconsin. 

    Though he urged caution against assumptions while the investigations unfold, the President also spoke about the need for Americans to come together as one people in this time of tragedy. 
    "If it turns out, as some early reports indicate, that it may have been motivated in some way by the ethnicity of those who were attending the temple," he said, "I think the American people immediately recoil against those kinds of attitudes, and I think it will be very important for us to reaffirm once again that, in this country, regardless of what we look like, where we come from, who we worship, we are all one people, and we look after one another and we respect one another."
    This afternoon, he also issued a proclamation mandating that the flag of the United States be flown at half-staff at the White House and at all public buildings and grounds until sunset on August 10.

  • President Obama Signs the Honoring America's Veterans and Caring for Camp Lejeune Families Act of 2012

    President Barack Obama signs H.R. 1627 (August 6, 2012)

    President Barack Obama signs the “Honoring America’s Veterans and Caring for Camp Lejeune Families Act of 2012,” in the Oval Office, Aug. 6, 2012. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)

    This afternoon, President Obama signed legislation that takes two important steps to help fulfill our nation's obligations to our veterans and their families.

    First, the new law offers extended care to a group of servicemembers who were based at Camp Lejeune with their families during a period when contaminated water caused major medical issues for a number of individuals.

    Among those standing with the President at today's bill signing were Jerry Ensminger, a Marine Corps veteran who has been an advocate for affected families, and Mike Partain, who was born at Camp Lejuene and later developed male breast cancer. The bill the President signed was named after Janey Ensminger, the Master Sargeant's daughter who passed away from leukemia at age nine.

    Second, the law prohibits protests at military funerals in the two hours immediately prior to and following a military funeral -- a measure, the President said, that will ensure that our servicemembers get laid to rest with "the utmost honor and respect."

    President Obama upheld this bill as an example of the type of issue on which Republicans and Democrats can find common ground, and he pushed lawmakers to take action on other measures to aid veterans -- including his proposal for a Veterans Jobs Corps. 

    Read his full remarks here

  • Statement by President Obama on the Shooting in Wisconsin

    President Obama today released the following statement on the tragic shooting in Wisconsin:

    Michelle and I were deeply saddened to learn of the shooting that tragically took so many lives in Wisconsin. At this difficult time, the people of Oak Creek must know that the American people have them in our thoughts and prayers, and our hearts go out to the families and friends of those who were killed and wounded. My Administration will provide whatever support is necessary to the officials who are responding to this tragic shooting and moving forward with an investigation. As we mourn this loss which took place at a house of worship, we are reminded how much our country has been enriched by Sikhs, who are a part of our broader American family.

  • Happy Birthday, President Obama

    Today, President Obama turns 51. In honor of the occasion, we thought we’d share 51 of our favorite pictures of the President in the White House.

    Check out the slideshow.

    • President and First lady at Inaugural Ball

      President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama share a private moment in a freight elevator at an Inaugural Ball in Washington, D.C.

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    • President Barack Obama rides the elevator to the Private Residence

      President Barack Obama rides the elevator to the Private Residence of the White House after attending 10 inaugural balls being sworn in as President.

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    • President Barack Obama at a Super Bowl Party

      President Barack Obama holds 3-D glasses while watching the Super Bowl game at a Super Bowl Party.

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    • President Barack Obama takes a picture

      President Barack Obama takes aim with a photographer's camera backstage.

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    • President Barack Obama examines the Resolute Desk

      President Barack Obama examines the Resolute Desk while visiting with Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg in the Oval Office.

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    • President Obama runs with Bo

      President Barack Obama runs down the East Colonnade with family dog, Bo, on the dog's initial visit to the White House.

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    • President Barack Obama hugs First Lady Michelle Obama in the Red Room

      President Barack Obama hugs First Lady Michelle Obama in the Red Room of the White House.

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    • President Obama lifts up a baby during the U.S. Embassy greeting

      President Obama lifts up a baby during the U.S. Embassy greeting at a Prague hotel.

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    • President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton speak together

      President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton speak together sitting at a picnic table on the South Lawn

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    • President Barack Obama pets Bo

      President Barack Obama pets the family dog, Bo, during a brief break from meetings on the South Lawn.

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    • President Barack Obama meets with Appeals Court Judge Sonia Sotomayor

      President Barack Obama meets with Appeals Court Judge Sonia Sotomayor.

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    • President Barack Obama cheers for his daughter Sasha's soccer team

      President Barack Obama cheers for his daughter Sasha's soccer team.

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    • President Barack Obama chest-bumps a graduate at the U.S. Naval Academy

      President Barack Obama chest-bumps a graduate at the U.S. Naval Academy commencement ceremony.

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    • President Barack Obama jokingly shows off the hat he was given

      President Barack Obama jokingly shows off the hat he was given during his tour of the Pyramids and Sphinx in Egypt.

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    • President Barack Obama ducks his head in a Pyramid

      President Barack Obama ducks his head to get through an entranceway on a tour of the Pyramids and Sphinx in Egypt.

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    • President Barack Obama and celebrity chef Bobby Flay grill

      President Barack Obama and celebrity chef Bobby Flay grill steak, corn and barbeque chicken at the Kick Off Young Men's Barbeque.

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    • President Barack Obama and former First Lady Nancy Reagan

      President Barack Obama and former First Lady Nancy Reagan walk side-by-side through Center Hall in the White House.

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    • President Barack Obama leaves a presidential coin at the gravesite of 19-year-old Medal of Honor recipient

      President Barack Obama leaves a presidential coin at the gravesite of 19-year-old Medal of Honor recipient, Specialist Ross McGinnis.

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    • President Barack Obama looks at the Nobel Peace Prize medal for the first time

      President Barack Obama looks at the Nobel Peace Prize medal for the first time at the Norwegian Nobel Institute.

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    • President Barack Obama looks through a telescope

      President Barack Obama looks through a telescope during the Astronomy Night event on the South Lawn of the White House.

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    • President Barack Obama parries with fencer Tim Morehouse

      President Barack Obama uses a Star Wars light saber as he parries with fencer Tim Morehouse during the U.S. Olympians youth sporting event.

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    • President Obama plays with his Niece

      President Barack Obama plays with his niece Savita during the family's vacation on Martha's Vineyard.

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    • President Barack Obama talks alone with Sen. Edward Kennedy

      President Barack Obama talks alone with Sen. Edward Kennedy in the Green Room.

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    • President Barack Obama casts his line

      President Barack Obama casts his line while fishing for trout on the East Gallatin River near Belgrade, Montana.

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    • The President visits Joplin

      The President visited Joplin, Mo., following a devastating tornado. Here he greets Hugh Hills, 85, in front of his home.

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    • The President and his daughter Sasha read

      The President and his daughter Sasha read one of Thomas Jefferson’s speeches at the Jefferson Memorial.

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    • President dancing at the Fiesta Latina

      Much to Sasha’s chagrin, the President starts dancing to the music at the Fiesta Latina event on the South Lawn of the White House.

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    • The President Respecting Fallen Soldiers Returning

      This photo was taken about 4AM after the President made an unannounced trip to Dover Air Force Base to pay respects to fallen troops back from war.

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    • The President plays Peek-a-Boo

      The President plays peek-a-boo with the daughter of White House staffer Emmett Beliveau in the Outer Oval Office.

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    • President Barack Obama tours the Martin Luther King, Jr. National Memorial

      President Barack Obama tours the Martin Luther King, Jr. National Memorial in Washington, D.C.

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    • President Barack Obama enjoys a beer with Dakota Meyer

      President Barack Obama enjoys a beer with Dakota Meyer on the patio outside of the Oval Office.

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    • First Lady Michelle Obama reacts as President Barack Obama soothes a crying baby

      First Lady Michelle Obama reacts as President Barack Obama soothes a crying baby at the Congressional Picnic.

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    • President Barack Obama with Ruby Bridges

      President Barack Obama, Ruby Bridges, and representatives of the Norman Rockwell Museum view Rockwell’s "The Problem We All Live With”.

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    • The President plays soccer with children

      President Barack Obama plays soccer with children at the Cidade de Deus (City of God) favela Community Center in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

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    • The President at a rained out event

      The skies opened up on Memorial Day outside of Chicago. The President ended up canceling his speech due to the weather.

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    • President Obama with Family Light the National Christmas Tree

      President Barack Obama, with family, react as they push the button to light the National Christmas Tree during a ceremony on the Ellipse in Washington

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    • The President playing with his Daughters in the Snow

      The President and his daughters playing in the Rose Garden in the midst of a snow storm.

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    • President Barack Obama sits with daughter Sasha

      President Barack Obama sits with daughter Sasha during a barbecue with family and friends.

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    • The President and Bo in the Motorcade

      The President and Bo, the Obama family dog, ride in the presidential motorcade en route to PetSmart in Alexandria, Virginia.

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    • President Barack Obama sits on the Rosa Parks bus

      President Barack Obama sits on the famed Rosa Parks bus at the Henry Ford Museum following an event in Dearborn, Michigan.

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    • President Barack Obama fist-bumps custodian

      President Barack Obama fist-bumps custodian Lawrence Lipscomb in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building after the opening session of the White House

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    • The President plays a prank

      The President tricks White House Trip Director Marvin Nicholson by stepping on the back of the scale.

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    • The President blocks a Shot

      President Barack Obama blocks a shot while playing basketball with personal aide Reggie Love at St. Bartholomew's Church in New York, N.Y.

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    • The President and the First Lady watch the retiring of the colors

      President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama watch the retiring of the colors aboard the USS Carl Vinson.

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    • President Barack Obama bends over

      President Barack Obama bends over so the son of a White House staff member can pat his head.

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    • The President coaches Basketball

      The President and his then personal aide, Reggie Love, filled in as coaches for his daughter game one Saturday.

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    • The President and Vice President recieve an Update on Osama Bin Laden Mission

      President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden receive an update on the mission against Osama bin Laden in the Situation Room of the White House.

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    • Secretary Clinton congratulates President Obama

      Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton congratulates President Barack Obama on the House vote to pass health care reform.

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    • The President fires a Marshmellow Gun

      President Barack Obama demos Joey Hudy's Extreme Marshmallow Cannon at the second White House Science Fair in the White House.

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    • The President at the Grand Canyon

      President Barack Obama looks at the Grand Canyon in Arizona.

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    • The President and the Pirate

      President Barack Obama "meets" with speechwriter Cody Keenan, dressed as a pirate for a photo taken for use in a humorous speech.

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