POTUS: Presidents of the United States

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Portrait, Ulysses S. Grant

Ulysses S. Grant

18th President of the United States
(March 4, 1869 to March 3, 1877)

Nickname: "Hero of Appomattox"

Born: April 27, 1822, in Point Pleasant, Ohio
Died: July 23, 1885, in Mount McGregor, New York

Father: Jesse Root Grant
Mother: Hannah Simpson Grant
Married: Julia Boggs Dent (1826-1902), on August 22, 1848
Children:Frederick Dent Grant (1850-1912); Ulysses Simpson Grant (1852-1929); Ellen Wrenshall Grant (1855-1922); Jesse Root Grant (1858-1934)

Religion: Methodist
Education: Graduated from the U.S. Military Academy in West Point, N.Y. (1843)
Occupation: Soldier
Political Party: Republican
Other Government Positions:

  • None

Presidential Salary: $25,000/year (increased to $50,000/year in 1873)

Presidential Election Results:
Year Popular Votes Electoral Votes
1868 Ulysses S. Grant 3,013,421 214
Horatio Seymour 2,706,829 80
(Votes Not Cast) 23
1872 Ulysses S. Grant 3,596,745 286
Horace Greeley 2,843,446
Thomas A. Hendricks 42
Benjamin Gratz Brown 18
Charles J. Jenkins 2
David Davis 1
(Votes Not Cast) 17

Vice Presidents: Schuyler Colfax (1869-73); Henry Wilson (1873-75)


Secretary of State
Elihu B. Washburne (1869)
Hamilton Fish (1869-77)
Secretary of the Treasury
George S. Boutwell (1869-73)
William A. Richardson (1873-74)
Benjamin H. Bristow (1874-76)
Lot M. Morrill (1876-77)
Secretary of War
John A. Rawlins (1869)
William T. Sherman (1869)
William W. Belknap (1869-76)
Alphonso Taft (1876)
James D. Cameron (1876-77)
Attorney General
Ebenezer R. Hoar (1869-70)
Amos T. Akerman (1870-71)
George H. Williams (1871-75)
Edwards Pierrepont (1875-76)
Alphonso Taft (1876-77)
Postmaster General
John A. J. Creswell (1869-74)
James W. Marshall (1874)
Marshall Jewell (1874-76)
James N. Tyner (1876-77)
Secretary of the Navy
Adolph E. Borie (1869)
George M. Robeson (1869-77)
Secretary of the Interior
Jacob D. Cox, Jr. (1869-70)
Columbus Delano (1870-75)
Zachariah Chandler (1875-77)

Supreme Court Appointments:

Chief Justice
Morrison Remick Waite (1874-88)
Associate Justice
William Strong (1870-80)
Joseph P. Bradley (1870-92)
Ward Hunt (1873-82)

Notable Events:

Internet Biographies:

Ulysses S. Grant -- from The Presidents of the United States of America
Compiled by the White House.
Ulysses S. Grant -- from American Presidents: Life Portraits -- C-SPAN
Biographical information, trivia, key events, video, and other reference materials. Website created to accompany C-SPAN's 20th Anniversary Television Series, American Presidents: Life Portraits.
Ulysses S. Grant -- from The American President
From the Miller Center of Public Affairs at the University of Virginia, in addition to information on the Presidents themselves, they have first lady and cabinet member biographies, listings of presidential staff and advisers, and timelines detailing significant events in the lives of each administration.
News of Ulysses Grant's Death -- from Dead Presidents
The text from page 1 of The New York Times, July 24, 1885. Placed on the web by Manus Hand.
Ulysses S. Grant Interpretive Outline -- from the Ulysses S. Grant Information Center
A comprehensive outline of the life of Grant written by Frank Scaturro of the Grant Monument Association.

Historical Documents:

First Inaugural Address (1869)
Second Inaugural Address (1873)
Personal Memoirs of U.S. Grant, Volume 1 (1885)
Personal Memoirs of U.S. Grant, Volume 2 (1885)
Grant, In His Own Words
Quotations from Grant on everything from military service to the presidency, from modesty to profanity.

Other Internet Resources:

Fort Donelson National Battlefield
Brigadier General Ulysses S. Grant led the Union Army in Tennessee to its first major victory of the Civil War at this site on February 16, 1862.
General Grant National Memorial
Tourist information on Grant's tomb, located in New York, New York.
The Ulysses S. Grant Information Center
Great information resource and research starting point for students and researchers alike, created by and maintained by Dr. Marie Kelsey, the Educational Media & Technology Program Director at The College of St. Scholastica, Duluth, Minnesota.
Grant Cottage at Mount McGregor, New York
The site where Grant wrote his autobiography and eventually passed away from throat cancer.
The Ulysses S. Grant Homepage
Articles, photographs, and many other biographical resources on Grant. Includes a bibliography and chronology.
Ulysses S. Grant National Historic Site
Tourist information on the St. Louis County, Missouri site that was the pre-Civil War home of Grant and his wife. Grant's White Haven farm is now undergoing restoration.

Points of Interest:

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