POTUS: Presidents of the United States

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Portrait, George Herbert Walker Bush

George Herbert Walker Bush

41st President of the United States
(January 20, 1989 to January 20, 1993)

Nickname: "Poppy"

Born: June 12, 1924, in Milton, Massachusetts

Father: Prescott Sheldon Bush
Mother: Dorothy Walker Bush
Married: Barbara Pierce (1925- ), on January 6, 1945
Children: tiny U.S. flag George Walker Bush (1946- ); Robin Bush (1949-53); John Ellis "Jeb" Bush (1953- ); Neil Bush (1955- ); Marvin Bush (1956- ); Dorothy Bush (1959- )

Religion: Episcopalian
Education: Graduated from Yale University (1948)
Occupation: Businessman, public official
Political Party: Republican
Other Government Positions:

  • Member of U.S. House of Representatives, 1967-71
  • U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, 1971-72
  • Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, 1976-77
  • Vice President, 1981-89 (under tiny U.S. flag Reagan)

Presidential Salary: $200,000/year + $50,000 expense account

Presidential Election Results:
Year Popular Votes Electoral Votes
1988 George Bush 48,881,278 426
Michael S. Dukakis 41,805,374 111
1992 tiny U.S. flag Bill Clinton 44,909,889 370
George Bush 39,104,545 168
H. Ross Perot 19,742,267

Vice President: J. Danforth Quayle (1989-93)


Secretary of State
James A. Baker, III (1989-92)
Lawrence S. Eagleburger (1992-93)
Secretary of the Treasury
Nicholas F. Brady (1989-93)
Secretary of Defense
Richard B. Cheney (1989-93)
Attorney General
Dick Thornburgh (1989-91)
William P. Barr (1991-93)
Secretary of the Interior
Manuel Lujan (1989-93)
Secretary of Agriculture
Clayton Yeutter (1989-91)
Edward R. Madigan (1991-93)
Secretary of Commerce
Robert Mosbacher (1989-92)
Barbara H. Franklin (1992-93)
Secretary of Labor
Elizabeth H. Dole (1989-90)
Lynn Morley Martin (1990-93)
Secretary of Health and Human Services
Louis W. Sullivan (1989-93)
Secretary of Housing and Urban Development
Jack Kemp (1989-93)
Secretary of Transportation
Samuel Skinner (1989-91)
Andrew H. Card (1992-93)
Secretary of Energy
James Watkins (1989-93)
Secretary of Education
Lauro F. Cavazos, Jr. (1989-91)
Lamar Alexander (1991-93)
Secretary of Veterans Affairs
Edward J. Derwinski (1989-92)

Supreme Court Appointments:

Associate Justice
David H. Souter (1990-2009)
Clarence Thomas (1991- )

Notable Events:

Internet Biographies:

George Bush -- from The Presidents of the United States of America
Compiled by the White House.
George Bush -- from American Presidents: Life Portraits -- C-SPAN
Biographical information, trivia, key events, video, and other reference materials. Website created to accompany C-SPAN's 20th Anniversary Television Series, American Presidents: Life Portraits.
George Bush -- from The American President
From the Miller Center of Public Affairs at the University of Virginia, in addition to information on the Presidents themselves, they have first lady and cabinet member biographies, listings of presidential staff and advisers, and timelines detailing significant events in the lives of each administration.
Biography of President George Bush -- from the George Bush Presidential Library and Museum
Bush's biography with photographs.
George Bush -- from Character Above All
From a PBS broadcast of the same name, this essay excerpt by Michael R. Beschloss discusses some of the issues and events that molded Bush.
Lieutenant Junior Grade George Bush, USNR -- from Naval History and Heritage Command
Focusing on Bush's naval career, this site explains why Bush earned the Distinguished Flying Cross, where he was stationed, and gives a short bibliography.

Historical Documents:

Inaugural Address (1989)

Media Resources:

From his first State of the Union address in January of 1990. "...the beginning of a new era in the world's affairs." (0:46)
MP3 (369K)
From the Vincent Voice Library at Michigan State University.
Audio & Video
The American Presidency Projects's Presidential Audio/Video Archive for George Bush site

Other Internet Resources:

George Bush Presidential Library and Museum
Located in College Station, Texas, this facility is scheduled to open in 1997. This site contains biographies, photographs, speeches, museum pieces and more.

Points of Interest:

Previous President: tiny U.S. flag Ronald Wilson Reagan | Next President: tiny U.S. flag William Jefferson Clinton

©1996-2008. Robert S. Summers. All rights reserved.