• Watch New video on Grand Coulee Dam's Towers of Power
  • August 2012 Issue of ETA Newsletter Now Available
  • Report and Video on Reclamation's Quagga and Zebra Mussel Research Available
  • Fry-Ark is 50 Years Old, Watch the Video
  • Reclamation Produces New Video on Hydropower
Watch New video on Grand Coulee Dam's Towers of Power August 2012 Issue of ETA Newsletter Now Available Report and  Video on Reclamation's Quagga and Zebra Mussel Research Available Fry-Ark is 50 Years Old, Watch the Video Reclamation Produces New Video on Hydropower
(Click on images above for more information. Place cursor over squares in top right to view images available or use controls.)
Cover of WaterSMART Three-Year Year ReportWaterSMART - A Three Year Progress Report - The Department of the Interior's WaterSMART program is saving water, finding better ways to stretch existing supplies and helping partners plan to meet future water demands, according to a three-year progress report on the program released on October 11, 2012. The program provides scientific, financial and collaborative tools that will enable Interior to meet its water savings goal of 730,000 acre-feet per year by 2013. More...

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Reclamation Garners National Recognition as ‘Partners in Conservation' - In Reclamation’s Lower Colorado Region, Partners in Conservation Awards were earned by two teams. Those teams were the partners involved in the Colorado River Basin Water Supply and Demand Study (Study) and the Region’s unique Lower Colorado Multi-Species Conservation Program (LCR MSCP) in partnership with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) for the Hart Mine Restoration Project. More...

Photo of Secretary Salazar speaking  at Valle de Oro ceremony.Price's Dairy Becomes Valle de Oro National Wildlife Refuge - Secretary Salazar spoke at the ceremony announcing purchase of the former Price’s Dairy land just south of Albuquerque and selection of the name Valle De Oro National Wildlife Refuge. This is the first urban wildlife refuge in the southwest and Reclamation owns part of the senior water rights. More...

President Obama standing on the transformer deck at Hoover Dam along the Colorado River on October 2, 2012President Obama Visits Hoover Dam - President Obama visited Hoover Dam along the Colorado River on October 2, 2012. In this photo, he is standing on the transformer deck at the base of the dam. He also viewed the dam from the lookout and toured the rest of the dam. Source: White House, Photographer Pete Souza.
Reclamation employees working in its early detection invasive mussel laboratory.Reclamation's Invasive Mussel Research Laboratory Awarded Colorado Governor's Award for High Impact Research - Reclamation's Invasive Mussel Research Laboratory in Denver, Colo., has been selected by CO-Labs to receive its 2012 Governor's Award for High Impact Research. The lab was recognized for its advances in the early detection of invasive zebra and quagga mussels and evaluation of potential control methods. More...

Photo of Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar at Navajo-Gallup Water Supply Project EventInterior Announces $43 Million Agreement for Navajo-Gallup Water Supply Project - Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar and Navajo Nation President Ben Shelly have announced a $43 million financial assistance agreement for design and construction of a portion of the Navajo-Gallup Water Supply Project. The leaders broke ground in June on the historic project, which, when completed, will have the capacity to deliver clean running water to a potential future population of approximately 250,000. This milestone is one in a series of steps that are part of the larger Navajo-Gallup Water Supply Project. More...


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