Provide Input and Issues

cos-displaybiophotoLet us hear what concerns you have or what you like most about working and living in Europe.

Single service members send us your thoughts.

We will address many issues this week brought forward by delegates from all our commands, but want to provide an opportunity for everyone to have a voice. Lets us know what you think.

MG Ken Keen, United States Army
EUCOM Chief of Staff

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Comments: 12

by Anonymous on March 9, 2009 :

What are EUCOM's top QOL priorities?

by Tom Condon on March 9, 2009 :

Does "virtual school" mean canned videos of classes or some kind of interactive/collaborative media rich website?

by Tom Goering on March 9, 2009 :

What if your spouse/child also served and used their MGIB benefit, can you transfer the new GI Bill to them?

by LinkedInBrian on March 9, 2009 :

With regards to the GI Bill, sounds like those who served before 9/11 and after (but not enough after) get shorted.

by EUCOM QoL Subject Expert on March 10, 2009 :

As with other entitlements and benefits, your compensations are in accordance with when you served in the Armed Forces. As the demographics of our military services change, so do their needs. DoD strives to stay abreast of these needs and address them in a timely manner. There are many benefits available for Service members and Veterans today that were not previously. Hopefully, our compensation and support programs will continuously improve.

by Kathleen Moulton on March 10, 2009 :

There is currently a critical staffing shortage at Patch Barracks Medical Facility. A direct result of the current staffing policies related to Tricare Prime enrollment, this community has seen a significant impact on access to care. Negative effects can be seen starting at the appointment process, clinic access straight through to the Tricare Staff availability. The unique circumstances surrounding the stand up of AFRICOM has created a special set of circumstances that need to be addressed at the MAJCOM level. Special circumstances include first and foremost access to appointments for acute care.

by Teri Centner on March 10, 2009 :

Note sure why, but there is quite a bit of pre-/post-9/11 discrimination. Not just the GI bill, in the USAF, pre-9/11 deployments, no matter how long, or where, don’t count toward deployment credit on one’s permanent record. I suppose it came down to picking a date for new benefits to start and that one was easy to get people to agree on.

by EUCOM QoL Subject Expert on March 10, 2009 :

Yes, you can transfer your Post 9/11 GI Bill to your spouse, who has previously participated in another military educational program, such as the MGIB. However, if your child has served in the armed forces they are no longer eligible to receive your Post 9/11 GI bill benefits, as they are no longer your military dependent.

by EUCOM QoL Subject Expert on March 10, 2009 :

The Virtual School uses an interactive/collaborative media-rich approach. Currently, there is a hub in Germany providing real-time instruction to students. The Virtual School in Korea will start in August 2009. At its end state, the Virtual School will be a full accredited 9-12 grade program.

by EUCOM QOL Subject Matter Expert on March 10, 2009 :

The 2009 EUCOM Quality of Life Priorities are: - Predictable Access to Mental and Physical Healthcare - Quality of Life Military Construction (incl. schools) and Funding - Adequate Housing and Full Dependent Education Support - Support for Child, Youth and Teen Programs - Deployment and Counsling Support for Servicemembers and Families - Advocacy for Servicemember Benefits and Entitlements

by EUCOM Guest Blogger on August 13, 2009 :

My apologies for taking longer to answer this than expected. 1) Who is responsible for ensuring that the youth properly use (presumably required) safety equipment (helmets, knee/wrist/elbow pads)? Parents are responsible for their children and their children wearing safety equipment. The requirement for wearing safety equipment on a skateboard is covered in AER 190-1. Although the MPs will ticket skateboarders who are not properly attired, they do not monitor the park on a constant basis. It is not a garrison responsibility to do this. The skateboard park is like the basketball courts and the running track. Users are responsible for their own safety. Patch Skate Park is not an MWR facility. It is a common use area with safety regulations posted. The Patch Skate Park directs users to report safety concerns their to the Patch CDC. This is for convenience only, since it is adjacent to the facility and has the nearest DSN phone. However, the CDC has no oversight responsibilities for skate park. 2) Are statistics regarding injuries at this and similar facilities being recorded? The answer to this is both YES and NO, but mostly NO. The garrison safety office would be the office where such injury reports would be consolidated. Regulations require workplace injuries for Soldiers and civilians to be reported. There is no mandatory requirement for family members to file safety reports, and (having checked with the Safety Office) no safety/accident reports concerning the Skate Park are known to have been submitted since it opened. 3) Are their signs posted that say anything like "use a helmet" or "skate at own risk"? There is a sign that details the mandatory use of safety equipment on the skate park. Adherence to its detailed policies is left to the individuals using the facility. William J. Crane Director of Plans, Training, Mobilization, & Security (DPTMS) USAG Stuttgart

by Mike Lamberth on August 10, 2009 :

Regarding Child, Youth, and Teen Programs, I have a question regarding the health and safety of our youth who are utilizing the skateboard park adjacent to the Patch Clinic. Who is responsible for ensuring that the youth properly use (presumably required) safety equipment (helmets, knee/wrist/elbow pads)? Are statistics regarding injuries at this and similar facilities being recorded?

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