What does Social Networking have to do with Quality of Life?

Next week, U.S. European Command will host its annual Quality of Life Conference in Garmisch, Germany.

For the first time, at least two people will be blogging from the conference.  So, there will be personal commentary in addition to the standard press releases we’ve had in years past. I look forward to seeing the posts!

And if blogging wasn’t enough of a breakthrough, people throughout the EUCOM theater are invited to follow along with the conference and/or provide comments through social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter. I’m excited to see how much participation we’ll get from service members and their families in Europe who aren’t able to attend the conference in person.

Obviously you’ve found the blog, but the information about how to follow the conference on Twitter and Facebook will be posted on the QoL website.

Maj Teri Centner, USAF

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Comments: 2

by COL Dave Johnson on March 7, 2009 :

Social networking is about communication; its another avenue to communicate and to share ideas with others. Social networking doesn't diminish the traditional ways of communication, it is simply just another method for people to engage with one another. The 2009 EUCOM Quality of Life Conference is a perfect opportunity to use social networking (along with other means of communication) to engage, inform, answer questions and get answers. COL Dave Johnson, US Army

by RDML Dave Simpson on October 2, 2009 :

Maj Center, What a great initiative! Particularly for a conference representing so large a community but always confined to the logistics of what one room will hold. Hopefully this will encourage some "real time" feedback from interested "constituents". Extending this notion to planning conferences for large excercises and/or operations (RIP/TOAs come to mind) would create a very interesting and most probably useful mission-focused dynamic. Looking forward to seeing your AAR! RDML Dave Simpson

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