Army Events
Golden Knights loading aircraft

Demonstration Teams

The Black and Gold Demonstration Teams spend more than 230 days a year entertaining millions of spectators around the world. The teams have performed more than 8,500 live aerial demonstrations at air shows and special events in all 50 states and over 47 countries, earning them the title of the "Army's Goodwill Ambassadors to the World."

Competition Teams

The Golden Knights competition teams are formed by the Formation Skydiving Team and the Style and Accuracy Team. The teams tour the world competing in parachuting competitions and amazing the parachuting world with their record of 408 national championships, 65 world championships, and 14 national and six world team titles in formation skydiving. These impressive feats have made them not only the most-winning U.S. Department of Defense sports team, but the most-winning parachute team in the world.