White House Office Hours: #InnovateGov

Today, it was "go time" for the Presidential Innovation Fellows, top innovators who are working to create solutions that will innovate government for the American people - from improving access to the government procurement process to developing systems for mobile payments to increase transparency in international development.

US Chief Technology Officer Todd Park welcomed the inaugural class of Presidential Innovation Fellows to the White House at an event that overviewed the five projects that are working to innovate government and included a ceremonial swearing-in by Office of Personnel Management Director John Berry. To learn more about these projects you can check out wh.gov/innovationfellows, read Todd Park's blog post here, and see the full press release here.

Following the event, US CTO Todd Park and White House Director of Digital Strategy Macon Phillips answered your questions on Twitter.  You can check out the full question and answer session below or on Storify.

Watch the launch of the Presidential Innovation Fellows program here.

And today is just the beginning. These 18 Fellows have six months to deliver results and they're looking for your feedback - whether it's providing your opinion on a new idea or "forking" code on Github. You can contribute to the ongoing conversation on Twitter with the hashtag #innovategov and follow the projects on Twitter as they work to deliver results over the next six months:


Related Topics: Innovations, Technology