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Orders - 2008

December 18, 2008 - NSTAR Electric Company (ER09-14-000 and ER09-14-001) PDF
The Commission addressed NSTAR Electric Company's (NSTAR) incentive proposal for its 345 kV Transmission Reliability Project (345 kV Project) and for three separate transmission projects, the Brook Street, the Carver, and the Barnstable Projects, collectively referred to as the Southeastern Massachusetts Upgrade Projects. The Commission granted NSTAR's request for a limited waiver of the December 31, 2008 termination date for the 100 basis point return on equity (ROE) adder established in Opinion No. 489. The Commission denied the request for a 100 basis point ROE incentive for the Carver and the Barnstable Projects because these projects fail to meet the Commission's nexus test established in Order No. 679, and denied the request for an ROE incentive for use of advanced transmission technologies for all four projects. Media Alert PDF

December 4, 2008 - Commonwealth Edison Company and Commonwealth Edison Company of Indiana (EL08-78-000) PDF
The Commission denied Commonwealth Edison Co. and Commonwealth Edison Co. of Indiana's (collectively, ComEd) petition for a declaratory order, requesting that the Commission approve its proposed incentive rate treatments for 22 transmission projects. Specifically, ComEd requested an incentive rate of return adder of 150 basis points for each of the 22 projects, as well as an additional ROE adder of 50 basis points for two Static VAR Compensators as a separate incentive for the use of advanced transmission technology. The Commission determined that the proposed projects are routine. Media Alert PDF

December 2, 2008 - Tallgrass Transmission and Prairie Wind Transmission (ER09-35-000 and ER09-36-000) PDF
The Commission addressed revised tariff sheets to recover the costs of certain high voltage transmission projects Tallgrass Transmission and Prairie Wind Transmission plan to build in the Southwest Power Pool (SPP) region, as well as requested rate incentives for their investments in the proposed projects. Tallgrass Transmission proposes to construct, at an estimated cost of approximately $500 million, a 765 kilovolt (kV) transmission project in Oklahoma and Prairie Wind transmission proposes to construct, at an estimated cost of approximately $600 million, a 765 kV transmission project in Kansas. The Commission approved a 1.5 percent adder for each of the project, and up to .5 percent of incentive return on equity for participation in SPP when the two companies become members of SPP and their projects are placed under SPP's operation control, as well as inclusion of 100 percent of construction work in progress in rate base recovery of prudently incurred abandonment costs. Media Alert PDF

November 17, 2008 - Central Maine Power Company and Maine Public Service Company (EL08-77-000) PDF
The Commission conditionally authorized a request for a 150 basis point return on equity adder and guaranteed recovery of prudently incurred costs if the project is abandoned in whole or in part as a result of factors beyond their control for the planned Maine Power Connection Project. The planned Project consists of approximately 200 miles of new 345 kilovolt transmission line, which will for the first time provide a direct electrical connection between northern Maine and the rest of Maine and the New England power grid. Media Alert PDF

November 17, 2008 - Northeast Utilities Service Company and National Grid USA (ER08-1548-000) PDF
The Commission authorized (1) an incentive return on equity of 125 basis points; (2) inclusion of 100 percent Construction Work in Progress costs in rate base; and (3) recovery of 100 percent of prudently incurred costs if the Project is abandoned for reasons beyond the control of Applicants for the New England East-West Solution project. The Project, with an overall estimated cost of $2.1 billion, is a complex addition to the New England 345-kilovolt transmission system aimed at substantially improving the reliability of electric transmission service in southern New England.

October 31, 2008 - Pepco Holdings, Inc. (ER08-1423-000) PDF
The Commission approved a series of rate incentives for Pepco Holdings Inc.'s proposed 230-mile Mid-Atlantic Power Pathway (MAPP) project, a major backbone transmission line from Virginia to New Jersey that would improve reliability in the PJM Interconnection region. Specifically, the Commission authorized for the project a 1.5 percent return on equity (ROE) adder to the company's existing 11.3 percent ROE, which will result in an overall ROE of 12.8 percent. The Commission also authorized full recovery of construction work in progress and prudently incurred abandoned plant costs. The MAPP project is a 500 kilovolt, 230-mile transmission line from Virginia to Southern New Jersey.

October 30, 2008 - Southern Indiana Gas & Electric Company (EL08-82-000 and ER08-1468-000) PDF
The Commission approved Southern Indiana Gas & Electric Company's (Southern Indiana) request to modify its formula rate so that it could recover all prudently incurred Construction Work in Progress in rate base and all prudently incurred abandoned plant costs for the Gibson-Brown-Reid project. The Gibson-Brown-Reid project is a proposed 70-mile, 345 kilovolt project that would provide additional transmission capacity between Duke Energy's Gibson Station in Gibson County, Indiana, Southern Indiana's Brown Power Plant in Posey County, Indiana and Big Rivers Electric Corp.'s Reid Station in Webster County, Kentucky. Media Alert PDF

October 21, 2008 - PacifiCorp (EL08-75-000) PDF
E-31 - The Commission granted in part and denied in part a petition for declaratory order seeking incentive rate treatment for PacifiCorp's Energy Gateway Transmission Expansion Project. The project involves eight segments covering portions of Nevada, Idaho, Oregon, Utah, Washington and Wyoming and is planned to go on-line between 2010 and 2014. The project will deliver up to 3,000 megawatts of capacity from location-constrained renewable resources to distant load centers. News Release

October 20, 2008 - Central Maine Power Co. (EL08-74-000) PDF
E-26 - The Commission approved Central Maine Power Co.'s (Central Maine) petition for declaratory order requesting transmission incentives for its Maine Power Reliability Program Project, subject to the condition that ISO-New England include the project in its regional system plan as a reliability transmission upgrade. The planned project is the largest project in Central Maine's history and, when completed, will give Central Maine approximately $1.85 billion of transmission plant in service - six times more than the company's current total transmission plant in service. News Release

October 10, 2008 - Duquesne Light Company (ER08-1402-000) PDF
The Commission granted Duquesne Light Company's requests for a return on equity incentive adder of 150-basis points and recovery of 100 percent of its costs for construction work in progress for the Brady Project. The project is a PJM Regional Transmission Expansion Plan project which includes high-voltage transmission facilities in the Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Area.

September 18, 2008 - New York Regional Interconnection, Inc. (EL08-39-000) PDF
The Commission granted in part, and denied in part New York Regional Interconnect, Inc.'s (NYRI) request for certain incentives for a proposed 1,200 megawatt transmission line to span 190 miles between Marcy, New York and New Windsor, New York. Specifically, the Commission conditionally approved 300 basis points of return on equity (ROE) incentives for the project. The 300 basis point of ROE incentives consist of the following: 50 basis for future participation in the New York Independent System Operator, Inc; 100 basis points for forming an independent transmission company and, 150 basis points for a combined transmission and advanced technology incentive. The approval for these incentives is conditioned on the New York Public Service Commission finding that the project will ensure reliability or reduce congestion, and granting siting approval. News Release

September 8, 2008 - Commonwealth Edison Company and Commonwealth Edison Company of Indiana (EL07-41-002) PDF
The Commission addressed rehearing of an order that granted Commonwealth Edison's (ComEd) petition for rehearing to allow for a 150 basis point (1.5 percent) adder to ComEd's return on equity (ROE) for Phase II of the West Loop Project in Chicago. The Commission granted rehearing, in part, to the limited extent that it acknowledged that the order failed to analyze the total package of incentives under Order No. 679, however, the Commission reached the same conclusion regarding the appropriateness of granting incentives.

August 29, 2008 - Virginia Electric Power Company (ER08-1207-000 and -001) PDF
The Commission granted Virginia Electric Power Company's (VEPCO) request for transmission incentives in the form of 125 and 150 basis point adders to its return on equity for 11 transmission projects in Virginia and parts of the PJM Interconnection (PJM). Between 2008 and 2012, VEPCO expects to triple its capital investment to $2.1 billion. Four of the 11 projects are part of the PJM's Regional Transmission Expansion Plan.

August 22, 2008 - Pepco Holdings, Inc. (ER08-686-000) PDF
The Commission granted Pepco Holdings, Inc., effective June 1, 2008, their request for a 150-basis point return on equity (ROE) adder for the projects because the projects were approved baseline projects by the PJM Regional Transmission Expansion Plan, which means that PJM made a determination that the projects are regional in nature and mitigate congestion or ensure PJM's ability to continue to serve load reliably. Pepco Holdings, Inc. will upgrade existing substation equipment, add new substations, rebuild and reconduct existing lines, and add discrete transmission lines. Pepco Holdings, Inc. also sufficiently demonstrated that the projects are not routine and that, individually and combined, they address significant reliability issues. Media Alert PDF

July 17, 2008 - Northeast Utilities Service Company (ER08-966-000) PDF
The Commission granted Northeast Utilities Service Co.'s request for a limited waiver of the December 31, 2008 completion date for the 100 basis point return on equity (ROE) incentive that the Commission previously approved for Northeast Utilities' share of the Middletown-to-Norwalk Project, a transmission project in Southwest Connecticut jointly owned by Northeast Utilities and the United Illuminating Company. The waiver allows Northeast Utilities Service Co. to collect the incentive for the Middletown-to-Norwalk Project even though it will not be placed in service by the December 31, 2008 date. The Commission also granted a 50 basis point ROE advanced transmission technologies adder for the costs associated with the underground XLPE cable.

June 23, 2008 - Southern California Edison Company (EL07-62-001) PDF
The Commission denied rehearing of an order granting Southern California Edison Co.'s (SCE) petition for a declaratory order. In the order, the Commission approved incentive rate treatment for the Devers-Palo Verde II Project, which consists of the construction of two major transmission lines; the Tehachapi Project, which consists of more than 200 miles of 500 kV transmission line, approximately 10 miles of 220 kV transmission line and three new substation facilities; and the Rancho Vista Project, which includes a proposed new 500 kV substation.

June 13, 2008 - Baltimore Gas & Electric Company (ER07-576-000 and ER07-576-004) PDF
The Commission denied rehearing of an order that determined that Baltimore Gas & Electric's (BG&E) request for transmission rate incentives for transmission owner-initiated (TOI) projects qualifies for a Return on Equity (ROE) transmission rate incentive. The order approved a 100-basis point ROE incentive for the TOI facilities, which were designed to improve the reliability and safety of BG&E facilities in Baltimore and Carroll counties, Maryland.

May 9, 2008 - Duquesne Light Company (EL06-109-000, et al.) PDF
The Commission accepted an uncontested settlement filed by Duquesne Light Co. (Duquesne) concerning the establishment of a return on equity to be used by Duquesne in its formula rates. The Settlement establishes a revenue requirement for Network Integration Transmission Service, provides for a base-level return on equity of 10.9 percent, a five-year rate moratorium applicable to merger-related costs, and recovery of costs associated with post-employment benefits other than pensions. The Commission also accepted a related compliance filing supporting Duquesne's proposed transmission investment rate incentives, specifically a showing that the underlying transmission upgrades are necessary to maintain reliable transmission service.

April 29, 2008 - Virginia Electric Power Company (ER08-92-000, et al. PDF
The Commission granted Virginia Electric and Power Company (VEPCO)'s requested 50 basis point adder to the return on equity (ROE) reflected in its formula rate as an incentive for continued membership in a regional transmission organization. The Commission accepted the formula rate proposed by VEPCO, with certain modifications, rejected its proposed ROE and required a compliance filing. With the adder, the Commission approved a combined ROE of 11.4 percent.

April 22, 2008 - PPL Electric Utilities Corporation, Public Service Electric and Gas Company (EL08-23-000) PDF
The Commission granted certain transmission rate incentives for PPL Electric Utilities Corporation and Public Service Electric and Gas Company project, designated the Susquehanna-Roseland Line, which will span 130 miles across Pennsylvania to northern New Jersey. Specifically, the Commission approved a 1.25 percentage adder for the utility's base return on equity, a reduction from the 1.50 percent that was requested; a one-half percent adder to each utility's base return on equity for continued membership in PJM Interconnection; a 100 percent recovery of prudently incurred expenses for construction-work-in-progress to be included in rate base; abandonment incentives; and authority to transfer the incentives to as-yet unidentified affiliates. News Release

April 21, 2008 - Pacific Gas and Electric Company (EL08-24-000) PDF
The Commission partially approved Pacific Gas and Electric Company's (PG&E) petition for a declaratory order for recovery of prudently incurred pre-commercial and abandonment costs related to a proposal that would deliver up to 3,000 megawatts of new renewable power from British Columbia, Canada and the Pacific Northwest to California. Given the early stage of the proposed $3.2 billion project, however, the Commission deferred a decision on PG&E's request for construction-work-in-progress and return on equity incentives. News Release

March 31, 2008 - Startrans IO, L.L.C. (ER08-413-000 and ER08-413-001) PDF
The Commission conditionally accepted, in part, Startrans IO L.L.C.'s (Startran) proposed rate incentives. Startrans is proposing to purchase facilities from the City of Vernon and requesting approval of its transmission revenue requirement and Transmission Owner Tariff associated with the acquisition. The Commission accepted the proposed return on equity of 13.5 percent but rejected Startrans' requested acquisition premium and 100 percent Construction Work in Progress incentives.

March 24, 2008 - The Nevada Hydro Company, Inc. (ER06-278-000, et al.) PDF
The Commission granted the Nevada Hydro Company, Inc. (Nevada Hydro) certain transmission rate incentives for the Talega-Escondido/Valley-Serrano Interconnect project (TE/VS Interconnect) in Riverside County in Southern California. The 500 kilovolt transmission line would link San Diego Gas & Electric Company's transmission system with Southern California Edison. The Commission granted the incentive equity return and a hypothetical 50 percent equity/50 percent debt capital structure during the construction period for its proposed TE/VS Interconnect. The Commission, however, denied Nevada Hydro's request for full recovery of Construction Work in Progress and abandonment costs for the TE/VS Interconnect; a request for a three-year rate moratorium for the TE/VS Interconnect and rate incentives for the Lake Elsinore Advanced Pump Storage project. News Release

March 24, 2008 - Westar Energy Inc. (EL08-31-000 and ER08-396-000) PDF
The Commission granted Westar Energy, Inc. (Westar) incentive rate treatment for a 345 kilovolt (kV) transmission upgrade project known as the Wichita-to-Reno-to-Summit Line due to the project's ability to ensure reliability and reduce the delivered cost of power. The Commission, however, denied incentive rate treatment for Westar's proposed 345 kV transmission line from the Rose Hill substation to the Kansas/Oklahoma border and a 560 MVA 345 kV to 230 kV transformer. News Release

March 24, 2008 - Bangor Hydro (ER04-157-014 and ER04-714-006 PDF
The Commission addressed rehearing of an order that authorized a return on equity (ROE) for the owners of the ISO New England (ISO-NE) transmission grid, including an incentive rate to encourage badly needed transmission expansion and ensure grid reliability in the New England region. On rehearing, the Commission reaffirmed its decision to allow the transmission owners within ISO-NE to earn an ROE of 12.4 percent, which includes a 100 basis point adder, for new projects that are completed and on line by Dec. 31, 2008. The Commission granted rehearing in ruling that projects that come on line after that date will be examined on a case-by-case basis and must be consistent with Order No. 679 in order to qualify for an incentive ROE. News Release

February 29, 2008- Southern California Edison Company (ER08-375-000) PDF
The Commission accepted Southern California Edison Co. (SoCal Edison) revisions to its Transmission Owner Tariff to reflect proposed changes to its transmission revenue requirement and transmission rates to implement Construction Work in Progress rate incentives, suspended them for a nominal period, subject to refund and subject to the outcome of a paper hearing. Southern California Edison is proposing to build three projects: the Devers-Palo Verde II Project, which consists of the construction of two major transmission lines; the Tehachapi Project, which consists of more than 200 miles of 500 kV transmission line, approximately 10 miles of 220 kV transmission line and three new substation facilities; and the Rancho Vista Project, which includes a proposed new 500 kV substation. The Tehachapi Project will allow significant amounts of wind generation to interconnect with the Southern California Edison's transmission system.

February 29, 2008- Potomac-Appalachian Transmission Highline (ER08-386-000) PDF
The Commission addressed the Potomac-Appalachian Transmission Highline’s (PATH) request to implement a transmission cost of service formula rate for a proposed transmission project and implement incentive rate authorization for the project, which is a proposed 290-mile transmission line that begins at AEP’s Amos substation near St. Albans, West Virginia, with a terminus at the Doubs substation in Kemptown, Maryland. The Commission granted the following transmission rate incentives: (1) a return on equity (ROE) of 14.3 percent inclusive of a 50 basis point ROE adder for RTO participation (in PJM Interconnection); (2) recovery of 100 percent of prudently-incurred construction work in progress in rate base; (3) recovery of 100 percent prudently-incurred abandoned plant; (4) recovery of pre-commercial costs and (5) hypothetical capital structure.

February 19, 2008 - Atlantic Path 15 LLC ( ER08-374 and EL08-38-000) PDF
The Commission addressed a proposed tariff change filed by Atlantic Path 15 (Atlantic) to decrease rates that it charges for transmission service over the transmission line upgrade (Path 15 Upgrade) and related substation upgrades to the Path 15 corridor financed by Atlantic. The Commission established hearing and settlement procedures to review the filing and summarily approved Atlantic's proposed 13.5 percent return on equity, based on the record evidence included in its application. The Path 15 Upgrade is an 83-mile, 500-kilovolt transmission line built along the existing Path 15 corridor in California to relieve a seriously constrained congestion point.

January 18, 2008 - Commonwealth Edison Company and Commonwealth Edison Company of Indiana (EL07-41-001 and ER07-583-003) PDF
The Commission addressed rehearing of an order that denied Commonwealth Edison's (ComEd) petition for transmission incentives requested for three transmission projects. The Commission granted rehearing to allow for a 150 basis point (1.5 percent) adder to ComEd's return on equity (ROE) for Phase II of the West Loop Project in Chicago. The adder results in an overall 13 percent ROE for this project and allows construction-work-in-progress (CWIP) in the rate base. The Commission denied incentives for two other completed projects and rejected ComEd's request for blanket CWIP treatment. Media Alert PDF

January 17, 2008 - Baltimore Gas & Electric Company (ER07-576-003) PDF
The Commission denied Baltimore Gas & Electric's (BG&E) request for rehearing of the Commission's decision to deny incentive rate treatment for 37 future transmission projects. The Commission refused to approve incentive rate treatment without careful scrutiny of each project for which the incentives are sought, as the Commission requires a case-specific showing that a nexus exists between the incentive being sought and the transmission project. Media Alert PDF

Jeffery Hitchings
Telephone: 202-502-6042
Email: jeffery.hitchings@ferc.gov

Andre Goodson
Telephone: 202-502-8560
Email: andre.goodson@ferc.gov


Updated: July 16, 2012