Tag Archives: U.S. Department of Education Green Ribbon Schools

School Lighting Upgrades Save Money, Allowing Schools to Make Health and Achievement Promoting Repairs

America’s schools spend more than $8 billion each year on energy – more than is spent on textbooks and computers combined.  About 26 percent of electricity consumed by a typical school is for lighting alone. Often, even more is spent … Continue reading

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ED-Green Ribbon Schools Inspire Other Schools

At the inaugural ED-Green Ribbon Schools awards ceremony, the 78 winning schools were given an important homework assignment.  Each school was challenged to return to their community and adopt a future green school.  These partnerships will help to share best … Continue reading

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ED-Green Ribbon Schools Preparing Graduates for Green Careers

Many ED-Green Ribbon Schools use an inquiry-based approach that allows students to engage with the environment, sustainability, and their community through real life application.  This week, we look at how high schools are preparing their graduates for future careers in … Continue reading

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For ED-Green Ribbon Schools, It’s Quite Organic to Teach Civics!

“A foundation in civics is not a luxury but a necessity,” Secretary Duncan said earlier this year. “Students today absolutely need a sense of citizenship…they need to know their rights–and their responsibilities. Civics cannot be pushed to the sidelines in … Continue reading

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ED-Green Ribbon Schools Gets a Facelift for 2012-2013

Now that the 2012 U.S. Department of Education Green Ribbon Schools are recognized, the Department has refined the selection guidance it provides to state nominating authorities to make for a smoother competition for states and schools in the second year.  … Continue reading

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ED-Green Ribbon Schools Prove that Every Month is Right for Getting Outdoors

President Obama designated June Great Outdoors Month to encourage Americans to take advantage of our rich, natural and cultural outdoor resources while being active outdoors.  Fortunately, the first group of U.S. Department of Education Green Ribbon Schools provides us many … Continue reading

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School Garden Plants Sense of Community

At Cherry Hill Alternative High School in Cherry Hill, N.J., great educations are made with soil, seeds, and sunshine. The school, which serves 44 students, is devoted to “academic rigor, character education, career exploration and workplace readiness,” according to its … Continue reading

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First U.S Department of Education Green Ribbon Schools Recognized

Today marked another historic milestone for the green schools movement, as the 78 U.S. Department of Education Green Ribbon Schools announced during Earth Week were recognized at a national ceremony in Washington, DC.  Secretary Arne Duncan joined EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson, White House … Continue reading

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April “School Days” Highlights Potential Increase in Student Loan Rate

In the just-released April 2012 edition of “School Days,” the monthly video journal of the U.S. Department of Education, President Obama calls for quick action by the Congress to avoid a dramatic increase in the interest rate for Federal college … Continue reading

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Seventy-Eight Schools are First-Ever U.S. Dept of Education Green Ribbon Schools

Secretary of Education Arne Duncan joined White House Council on Environmental Quality Chair Nancy Sutley & EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson earlier today to announce the first-ever U.S. Department of Education Green Ribbon Schools, a list including 78 schools that span … Continue reading

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Presenting the First Green Ribbon Schools

Cross-posted from the White House Blog. Today I had the honor to name 78 schools as the first-ever U.S. Department of Education Green Ribbon Schools. When we set out a year ago to recognize comprehensive achievement in the areas of environmental … Continue reading

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A Coming of Age Moment

Secretary Arne Duncan visited the Green Schools National Conference in Denver yesterday, where he praised the 1,500 educators in attendance for their commitment to greening our schools. Continue reading

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