Office of Auxiliary CG-BSX-1

The Director of the Auxiliary is the direct representative of the Commandant of the United States Coast Guard to the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary. (Title 14, USC Chapt. 23)

The United States Coast Guard Auxiliary is the uniformed volunteer component of Team Coast Guard. Founded in 1939 by an Act of Congress as the US Coast Guard Reserves and re-designated the Auxiliary in 1941. The 30,000+ volunteer members (men and women) donate millions of hours in support of Coast Guard missions.

Items of Interest


1. Congratulations are in order for the D5-Southern Region Auxiliary boat crew of Ronald Johnson, Dennis Szeba, Jim Mauk, Bill Gerdsen, and Fred Jelinek for being awarded the 2011 Association For Rescue At Sea (AFRAS) Silver Medal, awarded once a year to Auxiliarists for extraordinary bravery during a rescue at sea! Auxiliarists Douglas Kerr and Debra Kerr of D11-Northern Region were also nominated for extraordinary bravery in 2011. Please read about them in ALCOAST 426/12 at
Posted by Webmaster at 9:07:31 AM on 29 Sep 2012


-----Original Message-----
From: OfficeoftheSecretary@HQ.DHS.GOV [mailto:OfficeoftheSecretary@HQ.DHS.GOV]
Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2012 8:53 AM

September 11, 2012

Dear Colleagues,

The anniversary of the events of September 11th carries special meaning for all of us as members of the DHS family. We remember the attacks every day, but especially on this day, as they are the reason our Department was formed.

In the eleven years since September 11th, DHS has matured and our capabilities have grown, transforming how we approach homeland security.

We have made significant progress-strengthening relationships with federal, state and local partners, law enforcement, and first responders. We have forged new partnerships with community groups and the private sector. And we have empowered citizens-in hometowns across the country-to become active and engaged in keeping their communities safe.

All of you-the men and women of DHS-have been critical to these achievements. Together, we are helping make America safer, more resilient, and stronger than ever before.

Thank you for your service, for the many sacrifices you have made, and for your ongoing efforts to secure our Nation.

Yours very truly,

Janet Napolitano
Posted by Webmaster at 10:13:52 AM on 11 Sep 2012


1. Appendix C.34. of the Coast Guard Auxiliary Manual, COMDTINST M16790.1G, defines the electing body for District Captains. The following change to this section is effective immediately, will be annotated in the manual version posted on the CG-BSX-1 web site, and will be incorporated into the manual's Change 1:

Replace Appendix C.34. Elected By (for District Captain) with the following text:

"If geographic area, including area of responsibility that corresponds to a Sector command, is a determinant to any extent in the District Captain's elected office, then the District Captain for the geographic area shall be elected by all District Board members except those District Captains from other geographic areas and the Division Commanders who lead divisions in those other geographic areas. If geographic area is not a determinant to any extent in the District Captain's elected office (e.g., District Captain solely represents a program), then the District Captain shall be elected by all District Board members."

Posted by Webmaster at 4:21:20 PM on 28 Aug 2012


1. The following change to section 4.E.1.b. of the Coast Guard Auxiliary Manual, COMDTINST M16790.1G, was to have been included with changes issued in ALAUX 019/12. It is effective immediately, will be annotated in the manual version posted on the CG-BSX-1 web site, and will be incorporated into the manual's Change 1:

Replace the second sentence of the second paragraph of section 4.E.1.b. Ex Officio Status with the following text:

The NACO may delegate in writing the ex officio voting status to the NIPCO, the VNACO, any DNACO, and any PNACO.
Posted by Webmaster at 8:31:32 PM on 21 Aug 2012

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Last Modified 5/10/2012