PTSD Coach

PTSD Coach Mobile App Logo

PTSD Coach was developed by T2 in cooperation with the Veteran Affairs Administration's National Center for PTSD. The goal was to develop a mobile application to assist Veterans and Active Duty personnel (and civilians) who are experiencing symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). It is intended to be used as an adjunct to psychological treatment, but can also serve as a stand-alone education tool. The CCT app is available for download on the Apple iTunes App Store and the Android Market.  Click on the links or scan the QR codes shown on the right side of the page.

Key features of the app include:

  • Self-Assessment: Self-assessment of PTSD symptoms with individualized feedback, and ability to track changes in symptoms over time. The assessment does not formally diagnose PTSD.
  • Manage Symptoms: Coping skills and assistance for common kinds of posttraumatic stress symptoms and problems, including systematic relaxation and self-help techniques.
  • Find Support: Assistance in finding immediate support. The app enables individuals to identify personal sources of emotional support, populate the phone with those phone numbers, and link to treatment programs. And in an emergency, users can quickly link to the National Suicide Prevention Hotline.
  • Learn about PTSD: Education about key topics related to trauma, PTSD, and treatment.


  • PTSD Screenshot 1
  • PTSD Screenshot 2
  • PTSD Screenshot 3

by Dr. Radut.