Sandia Science & Technology Park

Sandia Science & Technology Park

An Internationally Recognized Technology Community



Economic Impact

Park MetricsĀ (as of 9/30/2011)

Park Metrics Results*
Number of Companies & Organizations 33
Number of Employees 2,470
Number of Buildings 23
Available Space (out of 1.1 Million sq ft) 92,917
Available Land (out of 340 acres) 233
Funds-In and In-Kind Services to Sandia from Park Companies since 1998 $17.7 Million
Contracts from Sandia Procurement to Park Companies since 1998 $390 Million
Contracts between Park Companies since 1998 $9.4 Million
Public and Private Investment in the Park since 1998 Public $86.6 Million
Private $263.9 Million
Total (Public and Private) $350.5 Million

Economic Impact Assessment (as of 12/31/2011)

Jobs Created Results*
Direct Jobs Created by Entities in the Park 2,470
Indirect Jobs Created as a Result of the Park 4,123
Total Jobs Created (Direct Plus Indirect) 6,593
Increase in Tax Revenue
Cumulative Impact on Taxable Consumption (Goods and Services) $1,893,200,000
Cumulative Impact on Gross Receipts Tax Revenue to the State of New Mexico $73,400,000
Cumulative Impact on Gross Receipts Tax Revenue to City of Albuquerque $10,400,000
Increase in Wages
Cumulative Increase in Wage and Salary Disbursements Attributable to Park Activities $3,062,800,000
Salary Comparison
Average Salary for Each Full-Time Job in the Park $74,949
Average Salary for Each Full-Time Job in Albuquerque $42,332
*Since Park was founded in 1998