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Oregon / Washington

Socioeconomic Impacts of the BLM

The BLM has the privilege of protecting and maintaining some of the Nation's most unique treasures. We manage over 15.7 million acres of public land in Oregon, and approximately 436,000 acres in Washington, together with some 23.4 million acres of federal subsurface minerals. The BLM lands provide for a variety of multiple uses throughout the Northwest, all of which contribute to the well-being of local communities through economic activities, social contributions, and land stewardship programs. Take a look around at these socio-economic contributions; we think you'll be pleasantly surprised.


Western Oregon

In western Oregon the BLM manages approximately 2.5 million acres of forests, wetlands, beaches and tide pools in a checkerboard ownership pattern, interspersed among private, state, and other federal lands. Many of these BLM lands are called O&C lands, named after the Oregon and California Revested Lands Sustained Yield Management Act of 1937. These lands contain some of the most productive forests in the world as well as vital fish and wildlife habitat.

Eastern Oregon

In eastern Oregon the BLM manages nearly 13 million acres of public lands covered with sagebrush, native grasses and forbs, juniper and white pine. There are magnificent canyons, 700 miles of raging wild and scenic rivers, and a mountain peak that reaches over 8,000 feet. Sage-grouse, mule deer, bighorn sheep, and herds of wild horses are just some of the wildlife that call eastern Oregon home. Eastern Oregon is also the last bastion of numerous rare plants.

Washington State

The majority of BLM public lands in Washington are east of the Cascade crest in the central Columbia Basin and in the highlands of northeastern Washington along the Canadian border. In addition, public lands are found in northern Puget Sound, north of Seattle in San Juan County, which are managed for their natural, scenic, recreation, and historic values. A full range of habitats are found on the public lands in Washington and include the maritime Puget Sound lowlands, the central Columbia Basin sagebrush regime, many riparian zones, and the coniferous forest and sub-alpine areas of northeast Washington. The lands include one Wilderness Area, one Wilderness Study Area, 15 Areas of Critical Environmental Concern, and numerous areas managed principally for their recreational, riparian, and wildlife values. These areas include recreation sites in the Yakima River Canyon (more than 600,000 visitor days each year), the Juniper Dunes Wilderness and nearby off-highway vehicle use area outside the Tri-Cities, and the Channeled Scablands riparian areas just west of Spokane.