Material Details

SRM 1763a - Low Alloy Steel

Low Alloy Steel, steel

Certificate - Certificate    MSDS - MSDS    Detail - Table

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Description:Low Alloy Steel
Lot: N/A
Expiration Date:  
Unit Price*: $422.00
Unit of Issue:disk
Status: Now Selling
Certificate Date: 7/8/2010
MSDS Date: 5/31/2012
Technical Contact:John Sieber Email
Additional Information: The certificate dated 7/8/10 was revised to include a correction to the uncertainty value for carbon listed in Table 1 and minor editorial changes.
Shipping Information
Perishable: No
Hazardous Material: No
Material Hazard Class: N/A
Measurand Data
- Certified values are normal font
- Reference values are italicized
- Values in parentheses are for information only

The certificate is the only official source for values and uncertainties.
Table 101.8 - Low Alloy Steels (disk and rod forms)  Additional Information >>
  Elemental Composition (mass fraction in %)
  Parameter Value
  Carbon 0.202
  Manganese 1.584
  Phosphorus 0.0123
  Sulfur 0.022
  Silicon 0.633
  Arsenic 0.055
  Tin 0.011
  Al (total) 0.0435
  Boron 0.0054
  Nitrogen 0.0045
  Niobium 0.100
  Tantalum 0.012
  Zirconium 0.044
  Copper 0.042
  Nickel 0.513
  Chromium 0.498
  Vanadium 0.307
  Molybdenum 0.490
  Tungsten 0.03
  Cobalt 0.093
  Titanium 0.308
  Antimony 0.011
- Certified values are normal font
- Reference values are italicized
- Values in parentheses are for information only

The certificate is the only official source for values and uncertainties.

*Prices are subject to change without notice

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Date created: 3/10/2002

Last updated: 8/8/2012