Category: International Trade Administration

Datesort icon Type Title
01/12/2012 Blog Exporting Products “Made in America” Supports Jobs Here at Home
01/05/2012 News Obama Administration Announces Appointments to U.S.-Brazil CEO Forum
12/16/2011 News U.S. Commerce Secretary John Bryson to Lead Infrastructure Trade Mission to India
12/16/2011 Blog The International Trade Administration’s Four Big Numbers for 2011
12/13/2011 Blog Secretary Bryson Promotes U.S.-Iraq Trade Opportunities at U.S. Chamber of Commerce
12/13/2011 News Remarks at U.S. Chamber of Commerce Luncheon Honoring Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri Al-Maliki
12/09/2011 News Statement from U.S. Commerce Secretary John Bryson on U.S. International Trade in Goods and Services in October 2011
12/02/2011 Blog Working with Florida’s Construction Leaders to Build New Opportunities for Communities
12/01/2011 Blog America on its Way to Hitting Administration’s Exporting Goals, Blank Tells ITAC Leaders
12/01/2011 Blog Honoring Individuals Who Help Promote Peace and Commerce
11/21/2011 Blog U.S.-China Joint Commission on Commerce and Trade (JCCT) Concludes with Significant Agreements
11/21/2011 News U.S. and China Conclude 22nd Session of the Joint Commission on Commerce and Trade
11/19/2011 Blog Secretary Bryson Meets with American Business Community and Chinese Investors While in Beijing
11/18/2011 Blog Promoting Competitiveness in the U.S.-Mexico Relationship
11/10/2011 News U.S. Department of Commerce and FedEx Launch New Initiative to Expand Exports
11/10/2011 News Secretary Bryson Welcomes Russia's Progress Toward WTO Accession
11/10/2011 Blog Highlighting Opportunities in India’s Renewable Energy Market
11/04/2011 News Statement by U.S. Secretary of Commerce John Bryson Statement on the Launch of Brand USA
11/04/2011 News U.S. Commerce Secretary John Bryson and U.S. Trade Representative Ron Kirk to Convene 22nd Session of U.S.-China Joint Commission on Commerce and Trade in Chengdu, China
11/02/2011 Blog Assistant Secretary Suresh Kumar Blogs on 30th Anniversary DEC Conference
10/31/2011 Blog Trading Across the Border – The United States and Mexico’s $1 Billion per Day Relationship
10/24/2011 Blog Pushing for Progress in the Middle East and North Africa
10/18/2011 Blog Our Biotech Trade Mission in China: Developing Prosperous Partnerships
10/04/2011 Blog New Friendships and New Opportunities to Do Business in Brazil
10/03/2011 News Statement by Acting U.S. Commerce Secretary Rebecca Blank on President Obama’s Submission of Trade Agreements with Korea, Colombia and Panama to Congress
09/30/2011 Blog Spotlight on Commerce: Francisco J. Sánchez, Under Secretary of Commerce for International Trade
09/29/2011 Blog Manufacturing Council Ensuring We Build It In America
09/20/2011 News Commerce Department Awards $1.9 Million to Stimulate Exports, Create Jobs
09/19/2011 News Remarks at Clean Energy Policy Conference, Alexandria, Virginia
09/15/2011 News Statement from Acting U.S. Commerce Secretary Rebecca Blank on International Travel to the United States in July 2011