Secretary Locke Proposes Reforms to Export Controls System to Enhance National Security, Improve Competitiveness

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Secretary Locke at lectern. Click for larger image.

U.S. Commerce Secretary Gary Locke proposed reforms to modernize America’s export controls system, which will enhance national security and increase the competitiveness of U.S. companies, in a speech at the Bureau of Industry and Security’s Update Conference on Export Controls. The United States export control system seeks to prevent sensitive items from falling into the hands of those who seek to do us harm. (More) (Remarks)

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Reforms to Export Controls System

National security should be a top priority - and I'm glad that Sec'y Locke proposed reforms to modernize our export controls system. I'm sure it's not easy to keep ahead of those who seek to do us harm - but it's important that we do keep at least one step ahead of them.
Thank you.
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