ITS Resources

Audio Quality Research and Data

ITS performs basic and applied research in in digital speech and audio compression, transmission, and quality assessment. Research facilities and resources are made available to outside researchers in private industry, academia and other government agencies through cooperative research and development agreements (CRADA) or inter-agency agreements. The Audio Quality Research Web page provides more information about this program as well as access to coder examples and publications describing research results.

Video Quality Research and Software

The ITS Video Quality Research Project promotes increased quality of service in digital telecommunication services by developing technology to assess the performance of new digital video systems and actively transfering this technology to other government agencies, end-users, standards bodies, and the U.S. telecommunications industry. The Video Quality Metric (VQM) software developed by this program is a standardized method of objectively measuring video quality that closely predicts the subjective quality ratings that would be obtained from a panel of human viewers. The technology is covered by four U.S. patents owned by NTIA/ITS and is made available to be freely used for both non-commercial and commercial purposes. Visit the Video Quality Research Web page to learn more.

Radio Propagation Data

ITS makes available electronic data files that can be used to validate propagation prediction methods or wireless system analysis techniques. These data sets contain results of selected propagation measurement efforts, along with the header information that gives all the associated parameters for each set. For more information about available data sets, click here.

Radio Propagation Software

Propagation modeling software developed by ITS is not subject to copyright protection in the U.S. and is made available free of charge, as is. Available software includes GLOBE Terrain Extraction Routines,  High Frequency (HF) models (2-30 MHz), Irregular Terrain Model (ITM)  (Longley-Rice) (20 MHz-20 GHz), IF-77 Wave Propagation Model (Gierhart-Johnson) (Air-Ground), and Millimeter-wave Propagation Model (MPM). For more information about available software, click here.

Table Mountain

ITS maintains and manages the Table Mountain Field Site and Radio Quiet Zone, an area of approximately 729 hectares (1,800 acres) of flat terrain with no perimeter obstructions and relatively homogeneous underlying ground that is protected by both State and Federal laws from strong external signals. The site is ideal for conducting sensitive radio or electromagnetic experiments, as well as for applications needing low vibration and unobstructed views of the sky. The site and its research facilities are made available to outside researchers in private industry, academia and other government agencies through cooperative research and development agreements (CRADA) or inter-agency agreements. Visit the Table Mountain Web page for more information.