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National Geomagnetism Program

Shumagin (SHU) Geomagnetic Observatory

The Shumagin geomagnetic observatory.

Station Id: SHU
Location: Sand Point, Popof, AK
Latitude: 55.35°N
Longitude: 160.46°W
Elevation: 80 meters
Orientation: HDZF
Current Weather Conditions



The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Shumagin Magnetic Observatory is located near Sand Point, Alaska on the northwest coast of Popof Island, 575 air miles southwest of Anchorage, Alaska. The observatory was established in 2003 to provide increased geomagnetic data coverage in southern Alaska and the Aleutian Islands. The observatory is located on land owned by The Shumagin Corporation, and is operated in a cooperative partnership that assures the long-term operation of the observatory.

For centuries, the compass has been used for orientation and navigation, with the north-seeking tendency of its magnetized needle responding to the Earth’s magnetic field. Today, monitoring of the Earth’s magnetic field at magnetic observatories, like that at Shumagin, is important for understanding the interaction of the Earth with the Sun, and for reducing hazards associated with the Earth’s dynamic space environment.

The USGS Geomagnetism Program has, for over a century, monitored the Earth’s magnetic field through a network of magnetic observatories and conducted scientific analysis of the data. The Program is headquartered in Golden, Colorado and currently operates 14 magnetic observatories in the U.S. Realtime magnetic data is transmitted from the observatories by satellite and Internet to Golden for processing, quality control, and further study.

Other Operations at Shumagin


Sand Point, AK magnetic observatory, Popoff Island, Shumagin Island group Alaska.

Sand Point, AK magnetic observatory, Popoff Island, Shumagin Island group Alaska.

Bald eagle fly-by at Sand Point, AK magnetic observatory.

Bald eagle fly-by at Sand Point, AK magnetic observatory.

* Pictures courtesy of Jeff Fox logo   Take Pride in America button