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Prior Editions

To order individual editions published since 1965, call the NTIS Sales Desk at 1-800-553-6847 or 703-605-6000.

A complete set is available in paper or on CD, call the NTIS Sales Desk at 1-800-553-6847 or 703-605-6000 and quote order number PB2003-105829.

Yearbook of Immigration Statistics on CD-ROM, 1965 to Present - ($648.00 CD-ROM)

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(Outside the U.S., Canada and Mexico $1,311.00)

To order individual editions between 1965 through 1988, call the NTIS Sales Desk at 1-800-553-6847 or 703-605-6000.

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A product from United States Department of Homeland Security A product from the Department of Homeland Security

2010 Yearbook of Immigration Statistics (August 2011)

This new edition of the Yearbook, issued by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, provides immigration data along with related historical information.

Yearbook of Immigration Statistics

Price: $35 (plus shipping & handling fee)
(Price outside the U.S., Canada and Mexico is $70 plus shipping & handling fee)
Order number: PB2012-102603
Media Type: Technical Report

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Statistical data on immigration have been published annually by the U.S. Government since the 1890s. Over the years, the federal agencies responsible for reporting on immigration have changed, as have the content, format, and title of the annual publication. Currently, immigration data are published in the Yearbook of Immigration Statistics by the Office of Immigration Statistics in the Policy Directorate of the Department of Homeland Security.

The 2010 Yearbook consists of a compendium of tables organized by subject matter, including:

  • legal permanent residents
  • refugees and asylees
  • Naturalizations
  • Nonimmigrants admissions (tourists, students, etc.)
  • Enforcement actions

The data presented in the 2010 Yearbook were obtained primarily from workload and case tracking systems of the Department of Homeland Security.