

The National Education Startup Challenge will be judged by a panel of prominent educators and entrepreneurs.

The National Education Startup Challenge will be judged by a panel of prominent educators and entrepreneurs.

Steve Brown

Steve Brown

Judging Coordinator

Peyton Holland

Peyton Holland

Penny Cooke

Penny Cooke

Mark Leslie

Mark Leslie

Susan T. Rice

Susan T. Rice

C.J. Wetzler

C.J. Wetzler

Kristy Wheeler

Kristy Wheeler

Timothy Garippa

Timothy Garippa

Amy Hollingsworth

Amy Hollingsworth

Jeff Jordan

Cynthia Greene

Cynthia Greene

Casey Kruer

Jessica Leftwich

Jessica Leftwich

Kirk W. Lawson

Kirk W. Lawson

Clay Mercer

Kevin Keith  

Kevin Keith  

Judging Criteria

Opportunity (up to 20 points)

Applicant demonstrates a thorough understanding of the problem being addressed (which students, which location(s), and describes a clear and compelling need and demand for the specific innovation being proposed. Strong support evidence is provided.

Business Description (up to 25 points)

The applicant provides a clear, thorough, and detailed description of the education startup and the innovation it would introduce. The business strategy is appropriate for the nature and scope of the problem being addressed.

Innovation (up to 25 points)

The idea demonstrates a new way of thinking about the problem. The applicant’s submission demonstrates how the proposed innovation is informed by, different from, and likely to be better than existing efforts. The idea is realistic and feasible.

Marketing Plan (up to 10 points)

The applicant articulates a clear, compelling, and thorough marketing plan for engaging clients, customers, funders, and/or investors.

Financial Plan (up to 10 points)

The applicant presents a clear, thorough, and realistic financial plan, whether the startup is a for-profit business or non-profit organization.

Sixty-second Video Pitch (up to 10 points)

The applicant presents an engaging and persuasive video pitch to clients, customers, investors, and/or funders that makes the case for launching and implementing the startup as a necessary and viable solution to the education challenge addressed.