Explore Biology

Human Dimensions of the Biological Resource Management Program

California Condor
Critical habitat? Recreational opportunity? Part of a culture’s identity? Refuge from an urban lifestyle? The Human Dimensions Program ensures NPS has a current understanding of how society values biological resources in parks.

The “human dimensions” of biological resource management are people’s values and desires for biological resources and associated management actions.

The Human Dimensions Program was established in September 2007 to address the critical interface between the human and ecological dimensions of biological resource management.

Human dimensions inquiry helps managers describe, predict, affect, and learn from stakeholder thought and action towards biological resources and their management in parks, thereby improving the sustainability, durability, and acceptability of biological resource management decisions.

“One of the anomalies of modern ecology is the creation of two groups, each of which seems barely aware of the existence of the other. One studies the human community, almost as if it were a separate entity, and calls its findings sociology, economics and history. The other studies the plant and animal community and comfortably relegates the hodge-podge of politics to the liberal arts. The inevitable fusion of these two lines of thought will constitute the outstanding advance of the present century.” Aldo Leopold, 1935.

update on 02/06/2010  I   http://www.nature.nps.gov/biology/human_dimensions/index.cfm   I  Email: Webmaster
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