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NATO Review topical page about:

weapons of mass destruction

1. North-Korea
What have we learned in security in 2010? We present a short picture story with some of the main events from the year - some of which may provide lessons for 2011.
Take three questions about what will be major security issues next year. Ask four experts and commentators of different ages and nationalities. Collate the answers. And see the results here.
video dirty bomb image
Is the biggest nuclear threat actually not nuclear weapons but rather a terrorist dirty bomb - the explosion of nuclear materials? Many think so. Here we outline what the dangers are and how the consequences would affect us.
Guy Robert Picture
What role do nuclear issues have in NATO? How does the Alliance see the changes in the nuclear political landscape this year and how will this be reflected in its new Strategic Concept?
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If countries and organisations are to be trusted not to break the world's nuclear rules, we need an international watchdog. The International Atomic Energy Agency is that watchdog. But does it have the money and freedom to carry out its role?
New File
Will the NPT eventually see its ideals realised? Or will it become increasingly outdated in a changing world? How can it deal with rule breakers, non-state actors and enforcement? NATO Review looks at how a key treaty faces the future.
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Will 2010 be the deciding year for whether we can achieve a nuclear-free world? With so many crucial issues, from START to Iran, on the agenda, will 2010 be the year that history records as central to nuclear disarmament?
New File
President Obama made one of his first commitments a move towards a nuclear free world. NATO Review looks at why this is important, the obstacles he faces and whether success is attainable.
Eric R. Terzuolo considers NATO’s role in combating the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.
NATO is strengthening the Alliance’s missile defence capabilities in response to the growing threat posed by the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and their delivery systems.
Max Boot abd Harald Müller discuss how effective is preemption in addressing WMD proliferation
Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790),
Poor Richard's Almanac, 1746
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