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NATO summit

This year’s NATO Summit will be its 25th summit. It is being held in President Obama’s hometown of Chicago, United States, on 20-21 May 2012. The NATO Summit will deliver on decisions that were taken at the Lisbon Summit in November 2010, driving forward key Alliance policies and reaffirming the transatlantic link.

The NATO Summit 2012 will principally focus on three main themes. The Alliance's commitment to Afghanistan through transition and beyond, ensuring that the Alliance has the capabilities it needs to defend its population and territory.

The NATO Summit Chicago will also ensure that the Alliance has the capacity to deal with the challenges of the 21st century. And it will strengthen NATO's network of partners across the globe.

NATO Summit Chicago

NATO is clearly committed to supporting Afghanistan beyond 2014. This is when the gradual transition of responsibility for the security of the country, from ISAF troops to Afghan forces, will be fully implemented. At the NATO Summit 2012, leaders will put forward proposals to make this a reality – a mark of their determination to ensure the country will never again be a base for global terrorism.

A key outcome from the NATO Summit Chicago will be developing “smart defence” in terms of greater prioritisation, specialisation and cooperation, into a long-term capability strategy. This forthcoming NATO Summit 2012 strategy comprises three major components. First of all, a tangible package of multinational projects to address critical capability shortfalls. Secondly, longer-term multinational projects that include missile defence, Alliance Ground Surveillance and air policing. Finally, the NATO Summit will agree strategic projects for 2020, covering areas such as Joint Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance and air-to-air refuelling.

NATO Summit 2012

This year’s NATO Summit Chicago will be an opportunity for Allies to broaden their partnership networks and to further deepen international relations at a time when cooperation is no longer considered as a luxury, but a necessity.

The US is the home of social media. Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and many others were born there. So could social media be the means that brings NATO closer to US people? We asked a number of communications experts what progress they feel has been made - and what more needs to be done.
Gov. Illinois
NATO Review asked the Governor of State of Ilinois, Pat Quinn, about Chicago's preparations for the NATO's 2012 Summit, how the Alliance is perceived in the city and why Chicago represents the best backdrop for NATO's first Summit in North America this century.
US flag
US bloggers, journalists and communications experts reveal how they would try to bring NATO closer to the US public.
photostory Chicago 01
NATO was created by a treaty signed in Washington, DC in 1949. As NATO returns to the US 63 years later for its Chicago Summit, NATO Review highlights some of the key moments of the shared history of the Alliance and its biggest member.
Havel Reuters
Czech Minister of Defence, Alexandr Vondra, remembers one of Europe’s and NATO’s political giants, Václav Havel.
Inside Out 2
Italian Minister of Defence, Admiral Giampaolo Di Paola, talks about switching from being at the heart of an international alliance to a minister in a national government.
Chicago 3
NATO Secretary General, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, explains why he feels there is no better place than Chicago for celebrating the bond between North America and Europe.
This 10 question quiz will find out how well you know the Alliance.
US President Barack Obama welcomes NATO to Chicago, his hometown. Here he describes how important the Alliance has been for our common security, our freedom and our prosperity for the past 63 years.
Daalder military
Ivo Daalder, US Ambassador to NATO, has crossed many divides. From being a European to an American, an academic to a diplomat - and more. Here he explains how it’s helped him at NATO
One of the aims of NATO's Lisbon summit was to seek better coordination between the military and civilian organisations. Why? Because everyone benefits from the outcome.
NATO's first Strategic Concept for eleven years was often portrayed as a balancing act. For instance, how to balance new threats with old ones? How to accommodate the interests of small countries and big ones? Now that it has been signed, how was the Concept seen?
Lisbon 2
As some of the world's major leaders arrive in Lisbon to cement NATO's new Strategic Concept, NATO Review looks at how the city might be the perfect location to sign the concept.
Ambassador Gábor Iklódy
As the world's challenges and threats have evolved, so has NATO. A new NATO division in the organisation is rarely newsworthy. But this time, it shows real intent to make sure that NATO matches the changing world around it.
Secretary General in Lisbon
The main worry of the people in NATO countries is about the economy. And it is no different in the heart of NATO. Budgets are tight. Priorities have to be clear. But there are some positives that could come out it. More joined up defence is one of them.
Protesters Rabbit
View the second NATO Review video story on the surroundings of the 60th anniversary summit in Strasbourg, France and Kehl, Germany.
New File
View the first NATO Review video story on the surroundings of the 60th anniversary summit in Strasbourg, France and Kehl, Germany.
New File
View the third NATO Review video story on the surroundings of the 60th anniversary summit in Strasbourg, France and Kehl, Germany.
Sec Gen Worner
From NATO’s inception until now, the changing role of the Secretary General has been one of the more interesting transformations of the Alliance.
Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer.
Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, NATO’s Secretary General, speaking before his final NATO Summit, claims that there are three major challenges facing the NATO Alliance.
New File
As NATO prepares to draft a new Strategic Concept, Jan Petersen highlights the issues he feels it needs to address.
Since the birth of NATO 60 years ago, there has been a number of key events in its history. This photostory provides a brief snapshot of some of those moments.
Traian Băsescu
What would the host country of NATO's Summit like to see the event achieve? Romanian President Traian Băsescu highlights the main areas where he hopes progress can be made.
Australian soldiers
Ron Asmus argues that NATO's partnerships have to evolve as much, and as quickly, as the security threats they tackle.
Hoop Scheffer
Bucharest has four major areas where Bucharest can make a difference, says NATO Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer. Here he tells NATO Review what they are and why they are so important. And how he sees these issues 'beyond Bucharest'
comp appr_1
Friis Arne Petersen and Hans Binnendijk give a comprehensive description of how to best arrive at a Comprehensive Approach.
What is the best way for NATO to obtain the most strategic effect? Here Julian Lindley-French and James Townsend describe the potential path - and pitfalls - to pursuing optimal effect for NATO. One of the main recommendations is clearer focus.
NATO Review's March photostory gives some background facts, figures and behind the scene views on how to make a Summit.
General David Richards reflects on his time as commander of the International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan.
Lawrence S. Kaplan explores the document's origins, impact and long-term significance.
Jonathan Parish invites us into NATO's kitchen, where he shares his recipes for preparing declarations, communiqués and other rhetorical hors d'oeuvres.
Michael O'Hanlon considers how strengthened Allied cooperation could enhance homeland security on both sides of the Atlantic
comprehensive political guidance
Paul Savereux examines a keystone document recently made public. Amid the Riga Summit fanfare came the news that NATO Heads of State and Government had endorsed a document entitled “Comprehensive Political Guidance” and had agreed to make it public.
As Chairman of the Military Committee, Canadian Forces General Ray Henault provides military advice to the North Atlantic Council on behalf of the NATO Chiefs of Defence Staff and oversees the military implementation of decisions made by the Council, the Alliance’s highest decision-making body.
Should NATO play a major role in energy security? Gal Luft vs. Christophe Paillard
General James L. Jones, Supreme Allied Commander, Europe
Jaap de Hoop Scheffer outlines the issues to be discussed in the Latvian capital.
Vaira Vīķe-Freiberga looks forward to the NATO Summit in Riga.
Victoria Nuland explains how the practical demands of NATO operations in Afghanistan have pushed the Alliance beyond its theoretical limitations.
Pierre Lellouche offers his thoughts ahead of the Riga Summit.
Diego A. Ruiz Palmer considers the ever-closer relationship between NATO's operations and the Alliance's transformation since the end of the Cold War.
Sophia Clément-Noguier explores the important questions that will face Allied decision-makers at the Riga Summit.
Allen G. Sens argues that NATO's transformation must be broader than is currently conceived if the Alliance is to meet the security challenges of tomorrow.
While the Alliance is taking the fight to the Taliban, a downrange visit by James Snyder reveals the progress being made behind the front lines.
Daniel Speckhard explains how NATO has set about training Iraqi security forces.
Gülnur Aybet places the Istanbul Summit in its historical context, examines its contents and assesses its significance.
Nicola de Santis describes how NATO is forging cooperative relations with the Mediterranean and broader Middle East.
C. Richard Nelson analyses NATO's contribution to the fight against terrorism and suggests how it might be enhanced.
Lionel Ponsard examines the significance for the European Union and NATO relations of the termination of SFOR and deployment of EUFOR.
Ryan C. Hendrickson assesses the legacy of Manfred Wörner, NATO's seventh Secretary General, ten years after his death.
Marshall Billingslea examines how NATO is developing technology to counter increasingly sophisticated terrorism.
Stefan Melnik reviews an Alliance primer.
General Jean-Louis Py has been Commander of the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) since the deployment of the Eurocorps in Afghanistan in August 2004.
Adam Kobieracki examines the evolution of NATO's operations and considers prospects for future deployments.
Jaap de Hoop Scheffer outlines areas of special focus for the Alliance's Istanbul Summit and considers the way forward for NATO.
Recep Tayyip Erdoğan sets out his vision for both NATO and Turkey on the eve of the Alliance's Istanbul Summit.
Tomás Valásek examines the impact of both EU and NATO enlargement on security thinking in Europe.
Admiral Edmund P. Giambastiani is NATO's first Supreme Allied Commander Transformation (SACT) as well as Commander of the US Joint Forces Command, both of which are headquartered in Norfolk, Virginia.
Jamie Shea examines and summarises policy recommendations for improving transatlantic relations contained in recent think-tank publications.
Hikmet Çetin analyses the evolution of NATO's engagement in Afghanistan and the importance of elections to the country's future.
Lieutenant-General Rick Hillier examines the challenges facing both Afghanistan and NATO in the run-up to elections.
Pavle Janković and Srdjan Gligorijević analyse Serbia and Montenegro’s relationship with NATO and urge the Alliance to admit their country into the Partnership for Peace.
John Colston examines how the Alliance is improving its military capabilities to meet the demands of its ever-increasing operations.
General James L. Jones is the first Marine to be appointed Supreme Allied Commander, Europe and Commander of US Forces, Europe. He succeeded General Joseph W. Ralston on 17 January this year and is the 14th SACEUR.
Lord Robertson examines the significance of the Prague Summit and considers the challenges ahead.
Christopher Bennett analyses how the Alliance has refined its contribution to the war on terrorism and compares the current debate on NATO reform with that of a decade earlier.
Osman Yavuzalp describes how NATO members and Partner countries will be working together to combat terrorism.
Alberto Bin examines how the Alliance's Mediterranean Dialogue has been upgraded at the Prague Summit and considers its future evolution.
Christopher Bennett reviews literature examining military reform in the seven countries invited to join NATO at the Prague Summit.
Adrian Pop examines the challenge facing Romania for the country to become an effective contributor to the Alliance.
Karel Kovanda considers how the Czech experience of NATO accession may be useful for the seven countries invited to join the Alliance at the Prague Summit.
Federico Trillo-Figueroa Martínez-Conde describes how Spain has taken the lead to build a fleet of European air tankers.
Steve Larrabee and François Heisbourg discuss the role NATO should pursue
NATO member states and invitees since Prague 2002
Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790),
Poor Richard's Almanac, 1746
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