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How important are women in NATO's new Strategic Concept?

NATO is changing to adapt to a new century, new challenges and new attitudes. How much can women expect to be part of NATO's vision for the future?

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2010 is the year of the new

Strategic Concept for NATO.

How important do you feel

it is to ensure

that the role of women

is incorporated into that?

When I look at the new Concept

and the discussions within NATO,

it's important that we explain to our

population what NATO is about.

And one thing is gender.

This is about dealing

with men and women

and it should be reflected

in the Strategic Concept.

Will the role of women be helped

by this Strategic Concept?

We mention women

and the fact that it is important

to consider how various activities

affect women.

Yes, I hope so, I think...

I believe that women are

always helped

when we are providing

a safe and more secure world

and when women have the capability

of operating within that world.

So, yes I do, I hope so.

I go again to our hardest mission,

which is for sure Afghanistan.

NATO is very aware of the need

of having not only women in troops,

but facilitating the possibility

of staying women in our forces

and having women

in our peacekeeping operations.

We have had a good start,

but we need to develop further

and I look forward to be part

of the tenth year's anniversary

of the 1325,

but we need to also develop

new activities, further actions.

I think it's of vital importance.

2010 is the year of the new

Strategic Concept for NATO.

How important do you feel

it is to ensure

that the role of women

is incorporated into that?

When I look at the new Concept

and the discussions within NATO,

it's important that we explain to our

population what NATO is about.

And one thing is gender.

This is about dealing

with men and women

and it should be reflected

in the Strategic Concept.

Will the role of women be helped

by this Strategic Concept?

We mention women

and the fact that it is important

to consider how various activities

affect women.

Yes, I hope so, I think...

I believe that women are

always helped

when we are providing

a safe and more secure world

and when women have the capability

of operating within that world.

So, yes I do, I hope so.

I go again to our hardest mission,

which is for sure Afghanistan.

NATO is very aware of the need

of having not only women in troops,

but facilitating the possibility

of staying women in our forces

and having women

in our peacekeeping operations.

We have had a good start,

but we need to develop further

and I look forward to be part

of the tenth year's anniversary

of the 1325,

but we need to also develop

new activities, further actions.

I think it's of vital importance.

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